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Wooseok was having a sleepover. Hyojong was too afraid to ask his parents. If they said no there was absolutely no way he could go. They would put a lock on his door. But, if he went there after school they wouldn't be able to stop him. So that's what he did. He grabbed a jacket and sweatpants to wear before school. His parents didn't notice or seem to care, but he would've said it was for P.E.


Yuto had brought booze. Hyojong wasn't sure how he'd gotten the amount he did though. He never drank, but he wanted to. He heard that it made life lighter. Like in The Outsiders. He wanted to feel far away from what was going on.

The first went down bad. He was doubled over coughing. Hui put a warm hand on his back.

"First time?" Hyojong nodded and collected himself.

"Why are you in such a hurry to drink?" He asked and this time Hyojong lied.

"Never done it before. Wanted to see what it was about." He said quietly.

Hui put the bottle to his lips and his head tilted back. A slow line of the burning liquor came in.

"Like that, if you down it that fast it'll be in the toilet in ten minutes." When the bottle was empty Hui sat it down and leaned back into the couch.

"I'm trying to get plastered tonight. I'm tired of feeling like shit all the time." He looked at Hyojong who slowly sat back. He spoke slowly and he constantly licked his lips. Hyojong couldn't help but feel something. He hated himself for it, but he found Hui very attractive. That would be his downfall, everything always caught up to him eventually.

"It's like, I'm happy but... I have a weird feeling. When I'm alone it's stronger. Like a monster that only comes when I'm my most vulnerable state." Hui said and reached for another bottle. He opened it in seconds and it was gone faster. Hyojong watched in awe, wondering why Hui was cursed with that deep sadness. He didn't deserve it like Hyojong. He deserved happiness forever, Hyojong thought.

"I wish to as well." He said and looked Hui in the eyes. It was very hard, they made Hyojong melt.

"Why." Hui asked, a hint of interest in his voice.

Hyojong sighed, if this is anything like him he wasn't sure if he could do it.

"I um- my parents don't really care for me. Or my brother, so home is just hell most days."

Hui frowned and patted his back. Shivers ran down his spine at the simple gesture. Yes, this was most definitely like him.

"You can stay with me if you ever need to. My parents are never home so they wouldn't mind. And they're used to boys in my bed." He said winking. Hyojong couldn't help but smile a little.

"Where's your phone, I'll give you my number?" He slurred.

"My parents told me that I didn't need one because I wouldn't leave." He stated, embarrassed.

"S'fine, this is my number though. He reached under the glass coffee table. There was a cup of sharpies beside a simple coloring book.

"Here's my number then." He pulled out a red sharpie and uncapped it. He lifted Hyojong's shirt earning a 'what the hell' from Yuto. In scribbles, he wrote out a number.

When he was done he threw the marker back in the relative spot of the table. Hyojong looked around for Wooseok as his stomach turned. He didn't know if it was from Hui touching his bare skin or the alcohol mixing in his stomach.

Wooseok was in the den, yes apparently it was a wealthy people thing that Hyojong didn't know about.

Wooseok was close by Jinho. The two spoke quietly. Wooseok seemed too in his own world to notice Hui.

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