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Hyojong's eyes were like chocolate. His hands moved from Hui's face to his cheeks. Hui's blood ran cold. It felt as if he were frozen looking into those big eyes. He wanted to dive in. But not fade away and let go. He wanted to be held while he drifted in them. A tear ran down his cheek. He was terrified to fall, but the beautiful face above him made it okay.

Hyojong leaned down slowly, Hui's eyes closed. The soft lips met his and more tears fell. And he let go.

The lips on his neck caused Hui to gasp quietly. He sat himself up and pulled Hyojong close. Hyojong breathed heavily as their lips parted. His eyes were hooded as he looked into Hui's. He was terrified, but much like Hui, he let go.

Lips roamed skin, hands danced across bodies, fingers ran through hair and nails over backs.

Hui let his body take control. Hyojong gave away his control, relieved in the freeing feeling. He felt an incredible pain, but a wonderful pleasure. The two bodies moved together, creating a pattern of thrusts. Hui was overcome with Hyojong. He became hyper aware of his scent. The brush of soft hair against Hui's neck. The moans emitted from deep in his throat. The pull of his body after each push of Hui 's. He was overwhelmed by him.

Hyojong. And suddenly that was all he needed. If everything else went wrong he didn't care. He had him, and with him he was whole.

Hui groaned, and with a final thrust, fell onto Hyojong.

There was a call on the phone from Wooseok. Hyojong laid in Hui's bed, Hui beside him melted into the warm body clinging to his side. Wooseok spoke on the other end.

-What's up man?-

-Fucking Jinho that's what-

Hui heard the crack of Wooseok's normally steady voice. He sat up, causing a sleeping Hyojong to stir.

-What happened, did you guys break up-

-He posted some guy, I don't even know who... I fucking slept with him and he throws me away the next day. Yuto was right, he doesn't care about me-

-Hey, he isn't worth your time. You can find someone way better than him-

-But I want him...-

-I'm coming to your house tomorrow and we're gonna play that new game you bought and forget about him-

-O-okay I gotta go... bye-

Wooseok was in horrible condition; he had downed four beers before Hui got to him.

"Woah, slow down." Hui took the fifth bottle from him and sat it down on his bedside table. The tall boy laid curled in a ball hugging his pillow.

"I hate him, I hate him so much." Wooseok mumbled and closed his eyes.


"Everyone thinks I'm just fucking dumb I know it. But I've been chasing him for four years. I've been in love with him for four years. Why him? you have Hyojong who loves you."

"What do I have?" Wooseok whispered.

"You have me, and Yuto and all of our dumb friends. And Hyojong, I know he's new to the group but he is supportive and he'd listen." Hui put his arms out and Wooseok fell into his chest. He smelled of cheap liquor, a smell that made Hui sad. He knew that smell too well. He felt the familiar comfort in it. His body itched to reach for a bottle. Wooseok went limp in his arms; the extra weight freeing him from his mind. He laid him down and sat at the bottom of the bed. He wondered what Hyojong was doing.

Word Count 603

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