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Dinner was amazing.

Hui could tell by the way Hyojong's face lit up at the first bite that it was the best he'd ever had. He wasn't sure if he should be proud of his dad, or feel sorry for Hyojong.

His father kept conversation, Hyojong agreed with him but never spoke up. Hui picked up on his discomfort. From his seat beside Hyojong he placed a hand on his thigh.

Hyojong flinched slightly but smiled at him shyly. Hui knew his father was kind beneath his hard shell, but Hyojong didn't know that. Hui wanted Hyojong to like his family because he liked Hyojong. And the fact that Hyojong allowed the simple affection warmed Hui.

He'd never liked anyone like he liked Hyojong. When he looked at him he felt happy. He knew how annoying and mushy that sounded but he didn't care. For the remainder of their dinner Hui brought up points to insert Hyojong into the small conversations.

And although he only spoke once, and it was for a few seconds, Hui beamed.


Wooseok arranged for the group to go to the mall. Hui wasn't sure what happened over the span of a few weeks, but Wooseok seemed on edge.

Yanan and YeoOne were holding hands and walking ahead of the group.

Shinwon and Kino were laughing about something before turning into a store that was blasting music.

When Hui saw Hongseok he understood the expression on Wooseok's face. Hongseok picked Jinho up by his waist and carried him off to a store.

"I thought you two had a thing going on?" Hui whispered to Wooseok. Wooseok shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah me too. We had a great time these last few days. Then I fucked it all up... I told him I loved him. He told me that he was in love with Hongseok. He must've told Hongseok he liked him after he left my place."

"What a fucking dick. He was definitely leading you on. Who the fuck hangs alone in a room with someone they don't want." Yuto said from beside them shaking his head. Hyojong, who was at Hui's side, looked over shocked.

Yuto clapped Wooseok on the back.

"Don't think about it today. Just have fun with us."

Hui nodded in agreement. After wandering for a while, the four stopped at a pizza plaza.

Yuto was telling Wooseok about some girls he knew that he could get with. Wooseok turned the idea down, apparently he was strictly into guys. After that they talked about some new game out. Hui had no idea what it was because he was watching Hyojong.

Hyojong was beside him in the booth while the other two were ahead of him.

"We should go to the hair place over on that side of the mall." Hui pointed ahead of them and Hyojong flinched slightly. He put his arm around Hyojong to pull him closer. Hyojong picked up his water and sipped.

"Do they sell hair ties and stuff?" Hyojong asked as he looked into Hui's big brown eyes. Hui laughed, causing the sides of his eyes to crinkle.

"No, no, you can get your haircut there. I just wanted to get mine trimmed again. You should get the same cut as me." Hui said pointing to his hair. Hyojong seemed embarrassed? or offended? Hui wasn't sure but that wasn't his intention.

"You don't have to do stuff for me to make yourself feel better." Hyojong said quietly enough that Yuto and Wooseok didn't hear.

"I wasn't trying to offend you. I just figured I should pay for you since I invited you."

"Wooseok invited me." Hyojong said.

"Well, he wasn't going to. Said he didn't really know you." Hui said and ran his hand up and down Hyojong's shoulder.

"Fine then, let's go." Hyojong said and stood from the table. Hui wasn't sure if he was upset or something. Hyojong was usually chill so he had no idea where to start on the subject. He stood as well and looked to Yuto and Wooseok.

"We're going to get a trim. What time do you want to meet back up?" Hui took another bite of pizza while Yuto checked his phone.

"Few hours, I'll probably fuck around in the arcade. And you wanted to get that new game right?" Yuto looked to Wooseok who nodded as he gulped down his drink. He kept looking around them, maybe for Jinho and Hongseok. Hui gave him a weird look and he stopped glancing around so much. Wooseok sunk in to his seat. Yuto, unaware, began another conversation that Hui had no interest in.

Hui waved them off and headed for the west wing of the mall. Hyojong caught up with Hui as they headed the entrance of the hair salon. I was full of guys getting the same haircut. Hui liked Hyojong's scruffy blond thing he had going on. It was cute, but Hui figured that he would look even cuter with a haircut all the bottoms got. It was similar to his but a little less of a close cut on the sides.

When YeoOne first got the haircut, he compared his hand size to Yanan's. Hui almost had an aneurism when Shinwon said it was bottom behaviour. He chuckled slightly at the old memory.

Hyojong gave him a questionable face but he brushed it off.

He signed the two of them up under his card. They sat in the black chairs near the entrance. Hui turned to Hyojong.

"So, why are you mad at me?" He asked and looked at Hyojong who looked at his tattered shoes.

"I'm not mad at you... I'm mad at myself I think. I just-" he sighed and messed with his hands.

"I just feel embarrassed when people do things for me. I don't know what to say, people don't do things for me. And I don't want you to feel bad for me. I don't want to be an idolized pity party that you throw money at. I know you didn't mean it like that though. I'm just stupid."

Hui sighed, was he an asshole?

"I get that, but I don't know how to show that I care any other way. For me at least, when I buy things I feel this high. Then I take it home and I just... it's never enough though. It's like a temporary thing that I keep doing as if it will one day stay forever. I'm just so fucked in the head that I buy stuff to be happy. I'm the shitshow, I'd be you over me any day."

Hyojong smiled slightly. It was a genuine smile though. Hui smiled back. He could see that Hyojong was going to say something else, but he held his tongue.

The two were called up and sat in chairs side by side. Hui received a trim and a scalp massage. He told Hyojong to get whatever he wanted done. Hyojong nodded like he wasn't sure what to say. Hui didn't mind though because he had no fucking clue what to do. He felt like he would do anything to make Hyojong smile and that was scary.

He only knew him for a few weeks.

Nevertheless, he smiled upon seeing Hyojong with a more natural blonde. His before was yellow and choppy. He had a clean cut (recommended by Hui); and had a dye. The color was great in Hui's opinion and Hyojong seemed more confident. 

Word Count 1248 

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