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He had only left for five minutes.

Hyojong was curled into a ball already in a deep sleep. Hui slightly smiled, god why was he so into him? He enjoyed every second with him. Every brush of the hand, smile directed to him, blush he caused.

Hyojong didn't look straight at all. Hd said he wasn't and Hui believed him but he didn't want to cross any boundaries. Hui knew better, no one believed that he liked guys. He didn't try to come off as straight or anything though. It was just his mask.

He sat beside the boy. He noticed how Hyojong never kept up with online things. Hui had to help him create an email and teach him how to turn a laptop off.

He noticed how Hyojong would have tattered shoes and worn clothes.

He moved their things so that he could safely pull back the blanket. He lifted Hyojong, it was to no surprise that he weighed so little.

While he ate like a giant he never seemed to get food.

Hui smiled as his Hyojong's head laid into the crook of his neck. His small breaths were calming and Hui was tempted to curl up with Hyojong for a nap. He restrained himself and placed Hyojong gently into the bed. As the covers were pulled over him, Hyojong smiled contently. Hui sat at the bottom of the bed with his back against the wall. His eyes closed and he put up no fight as he too was succumb to sleep.



Hui slowly came to. Hyojong was rubbing his eyes as he sat up. Hui looked up at him and smiled.

Hui's head had made its way onto Hyojong's nimble legs. Hyojong blushed at the position, Hui smiled wider to himself and got up.

He stretched out his muscles. His stomach felt empty as he leaned from side to side. He looked back at Hyojong who looked at his hands.

"I can make us some food. We can shower and you can just stay over?" Hui asked hesitantly. He really wanted Hyojong's company longer, but they'd met only recently. He didn't want to push him, and the frown on Hyojong's face made his stomach drop.

"My dad really ha- doesn't like when I leave. He'll kill me for even being gone this long." Hyojong said, his eyes refused to meet Hui's.

"We have to do our group essay, I'm sure he'll understand the dilemma."

Hyojong sighed and shook his head.

"Not if he knew the circumstances." Hyojong muttered. Hui moved away from Hyojong a bit.

"Please, Hyojong stay. I never have anyone over and my parents are never here. It can get really quiet. I'll promise to work super hard. I swear, I'll write a whole paragraph alone."

Hyojong looked up and smiled slightly.

"I'd never let you write a paragraph on your own." He said and Hui laughed. He hoped that Hyojong didn't think he sounded like a dying whale. But Hyojong laughed too and managed to stand in the process. He wasn't sure what it was about Hyojong making him so conscious of everything he did.

Hui followed in suit and opened the door. Hyojong followed behind and they headed to the kitchen.

Outside the sleek glass windows, the dark sky was prominent. Hui couldn't see anything other than what his security lights illuminated. He lived on in a nice neighborhood with a large backyard. His eyes caught the pool. I wonder what Hyojong would look like in a bathing suit? He dismissed the thought shaking his head.

Hyojong wasn't into him like that.

He opened a cabinet and pulled out two packages.

"Ramen?" He asked and Hyojong nodded. He sat at the island table and propped his head on the counter with his clothed arm. Hui smiled at the sight and turned back to the food.


The two boys ate quietly. Hui's sister was long gone at a friends house. She must've gotten picked up when he was sleeping. Either way he was happy he didn't have another plate to stress over cooking.

Hui brought up Anohana on his large flat screen TV. The living room was dark aside from the illuminated house in the television's view.

They just began the 8th episode when they finished their food.

It was 6:58 and Hyojong was still a little tired. Hui could tell how he muffled a yawn every few minutes.

Hui paused the show and looked at Hyojong.

"Wanna shower?" He asked and took their bowls to the kitchen. Hyojong nodded but stayed seated on the plush couch.

"But we really have to work on our essay tomorrow." He said in an almost demanding tone. Hui nodded as he started the dishwasher. Finally, after everything was taken care of downstairs, the two made their way upstairs.

Hui picked out clothes while Hyojong stood awkwardly. He could feel eyes on him as he grabbed clothes. For himself he grabbed randomly, but for Hyojong he grabbed a black hoodie and sweats. Secretly, he really wanted to see it in him.

"You can go first, I'll charge my laptop and put our stuff away." Hui said and handed Hyojong the clothes. Atop the stack of clothes Hui put pastel blue socks. Hyojong smiled and Hui blushed slightly.

"I got them as a gift from my sister a while back. I don't even know why I still have them." He said sheepishly and shifted awkwardly on his feet.

"I was going to give them away but I forgot. Yeah I don't know why I still have them honestly."

Hyojong laughed slightly and left for the restroom.


Hyojong came out of the restroom in the clothes. Hui never gave him underwear to change into. He felt a bit weird since he was in Hui's clothes and all, but he ignored the feeling. Hui looked up from the bed at him. He turned his phone off and stood.

"You look comfortable." He laughed.

Hyojong sat down as Hui got his clothes together.

"Yeah the socks are great. You should wear them more." Hyojong said and Hui gave a glare. Although Hui hadn't meant to intimidate Hyojong, the fact that the boy laughed made him irritated. Usually, Hui was the one laughing at others. 

He decided he didn't really care when it was Hyojong though. 

Word Count 1057

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