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"Amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this." Dagur mumbled as he twirled the object he took from Hiccup in his hands.

Savage leaned over his shoulder as he also eyed the object, "Me, neither. What do you suppose it is?"

Dagur recoiled away from Savage with a snarl and marched away from him to keep looking at the object, "Don't ask such ridiculous questions, Savage! Just know that... this. Whatever, it is, is mine. All mine." Dagur glared and looked back to the object in his hands, "Now, what exactly is it that you do? Tell Dagur, now. That's it. Don't be afraid. Tell Daddy Dagur."

Savage gulped as he looked at the figure that suddenly appeared right behind Dagur on the railing of the ship. A large blue dragon he had never seen before slowly emerged from the water behind the figure.

"Uh, Dagur?" he muttered and pointed a finger behind Dagur.

Dagur groaned in frustration and snarled at Savage, "Uhh! What now?! Another stupid question?!"

Savage tilted his head as he tugged at his collar, "More of an observation."

Dagur yelped as a hand wrapped around the object and took it from him. He spun around and gasped at the sight of the girl who had escaped him and the large dragon behind her. He flushed in anger at the sly little smirk on her face, he wouldn't admit it but he loved the way her lips looked.

"Hi there." Gunhild giggled and handed the object to Dark Melody who completely emerged now from the water. The dragon took it carefully from its rider with its tail and placed it in the saddle bag on its side.

"Well hello again, Gunhild." Dagur smirked and eyed her up and down, "Nice to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same." she scoffed and eyed a guard who stood behind Dagur, "I believe that guard of yours has something of mine."

Dagur turned and saw the guard holding her bow, "So it would seem he does. What ever should we do about that?"

"Well we can do it the easy way or the hard way." Gunhild crouched on the railing and flicked her tongue out to wet her lips.

Dagur's eyes were drawn to her mouth and he gulped down his excitement at the challege she proposed, "Oh, I always choose the hard way, Wild Eyes."

Gunhild grinned wildly and leaped at him, her body crashing into him and causing him to stumble back. The two landed in a heap on the ground. Their limbs tangled as they fought to pin the other. Dagur was surprised that she was able to fight him off. While he was larger and stronger, she was able to match his grip. She reached up and pinched a part of his arm causing him to yelp and she caught him in a headlock, wrapping her legs around his arms and torso to keep him still. She growled at his men as she held a dagger in her teeth pointed at his throat. It was then that Dagur knew he had finally found the woman who was meant to be his bride. Dagur the Deranged had fallen head over heels for this beautiful girl named Gunhild. 

"Nobody move and your leader doesn't lose his throat. Drop my bow and kick it towards my dragon." She ordered and the guard did just that, Melody lifting it up and taking it, "I am going to let you go, now. One wrong move and Dark Melody will eat you. She perfers eel and mutton, but has never turned down a viking or two."

She slowly released Dagur and he grinned as her legs slid away. As she crawled away he sat up slowly and bit his lip. Gunhild stood slowly and motioned for her dragon, the large Slithersong moving to stand behind her. Gunhild took her place in the saddle and prepared to take off.

"Wait!" Dagur shouted and gripped the railing as she started to leave, "Who are you?!"

Gunhild locked eyes with Dagur and felt a strange pull in her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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