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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly on my nightstand

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly on my nightstand.

I groan, rubbing my eyes and lazily grabbing it, "What."

"Emmie, this is Mike, we have a code red!" Mike screams into the phone.

"I'll give you a code red." I grumble, hanging up the phone, only for it to start blaring again. Of course, I pick it up. Who knows how many times Mike will call me?

"Emmie, this is no joke," Mike states, "You need to get to my house, now. I'll explain everything to El, Max, and you when you get here."

I roll my eyes, nodding even though he couldn't see me, "Fine, give me 15 minutes."

I slam the phone on the receiver, whipping off my blanket and stomping to the bathroom.

Why does everyone have to ruin my beauty sleep?

After my shower I scurry to my room, throwing on red shorts and a white t-shirt. I brush my hair and pull it up in a bun, that way I don't have to straighten it.

I chug a blood bag, walking out to the kitchen after throwing it away.

"Good morning, Aunty." I smile, quickly pecking her cheek, "Where's Dust?"

"He left early this morning," She answers, "He said he was going to see Steve or something..he was being really weird."

"Well that's Dustin for you." I joke, "Bye, Aunty."

"See ya, hunny." She replies as I walk out the door.


I knock on the Wheelers front door. When no one answers I huff out a breath, knocking again.

The door finally opens up, and I am faced with Ted Wheeler, Mike's father.

"Emmie," Mr. Wheeler sighs in greeting, "Your brother's not here."

"Cousin," I correct, "And I know. I'm actually here for Mike."

He runs a hand down his face, "I don't know if he's here, either."

"Uh-he is." I confirm, "So, can I come in?"

He nods, "Yeah, come on in."

I smile, stepping inside the Wheelers residence, where I had been invited into.

I go down to the furnished basement, being met with all the young teens in the party-excluding Dustin-sat in a circle, all eyes set on me.

"Hey, guys." I join the group, sitting down next to Mike, "What did I miss?"

"Nothing, we were waiting for you." Mike shakes his head in exasperation.

"Sorry," I defended.

"Have you seen Dustin?" Will asks before anyone could start talking about this 'code red'.

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