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I jump out of the car, Nance and Jonathan speeding next to me, the kids right on our tails as we walk through the doors of the hospital

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I jump out of the car, Nance and Jonathan speeding next to me, the kids right on our tails as we walk through the doors of the hospital.

We try to pass the lady at the front desk, as she is on the phone, talking to someone.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. Excuse me." She stands up, eyeing all of us, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Oh, um," Nancy pauses to think of a quick lie, "I was just going to visit my grandma again. And-and this...this is my family."

"Extended." Lucas adds with a nod after the woman behind the desk gives us a look.

"I don't care who they are." She says, "You know the rules, two visitors at a time."

"Yeah, but-" Nance starts.

"Two!" She cuts her off.

The woman begins to go back to the phone and I start towards her, ready to compel her before getting pulled back by a hand, El shakes her head, "No."

"What's the point of having the ability to do this if I can't do it." I throw my hands up and El just shakes her head again, "Okay, I'll go up with you, Nance."

"I'll go with Jonathan." Nancy says at the same time.

"I'm a vampire." I mutter under my breath, "I should go with you!"

"Yeah but you're also good with the kids," Nancy sighs, "Jonathan and I will be right back, just stay with them, okay?"

I bite my lip, looking down at my feet before mustering up a small smile, "Okay."


"Emmie!" Mike groans.

"What." I stand up from my seat, looking over to see Mike and Lucas slamming their hands against the vending machine.

"The KitKat, it's stuck." Lucas informs.

I roll my eyes, and before I can pound on the machine, a bunch of snacks falls from its holding places, almost all of them.

"Wow!" Lucas grins.

"That's wasn't me." I turn my head, the boys following my gaze to El, who was wiping the blood from her nose.

"Thanks." Mike calls.

I could have done it, but oh well. I sit next to Will, fiddling with my fingers as I wait for Nance and Jonathan to come back down.

"Are you okay?" Will whispers as Lucas begins to try to throw skittles into Max's mouth.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sigh, "Are you? Ya know, having to re-live this whole Demo-whatever thing."

Mike lightly taps me on the shoulder and I turn, he distinctly moves his head, silently telling us to get the hell away. I stand up, walking towards the wall on the opposite side and leaning against it for awhile, until the kids settle back down into the seats. That's when I go to get a drink of water.

I dip my head down, sucking in the water when I hear Max say, "Do you think it's working?"

"Totally, it's totally working." Lucas answers.

I feel like I can hear another voice, someone scared. But I pass it off as one of the kids.

"I don't really think she likes it." Will says quietly.

"What do you mean? She's been hurting about Billy-Billy's almost all she has, except for Dustin, Elena, and Jer-basically the whole time she's been back, she's most definitely enjoying catching a break." Mike assures.

Awh, these kids are too sweet.

"Yeah, but it's almost like-I don't know-I feel as if she thinks she's not doing enough;not helping enough." Will shrugs.

"Nope, I agree with Mike, she's basking in it." Lucas says.

Suddenly, the lights start to flicker and I take long strides over to the kids, watching as Will stands up from his place. The young teens soon notice us, staring up at the flashing lights, and hop up from their seats.

"There's something wrong." I turn around, facing the kids.

"We need to get up to Jonathan and Nan-" I cut myself short, blocking my ears when a loud shriek fills up my vamp hearing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Max asks, her and El coming up beside me.

"He's here." Will takes a shaky breath.

In a group, we all speed-walk down the hallway, the receptionist yelling at us just a white noise in the background.

The kids stop at the elevator. I wander off, looking around to see if there was any stairs in the hospital. I spot some, coming back to the kids who were impatiently waiting, El spamming the button with her finger.

"Guys, there's stairs." I announce, pointing to the stairwell. We all race to it, running as fast as we could.

"Come on, come on, come on." I usher the kids up the stairwell, listening closely to see what floor this was all happening on.

The growling and screeching was getting louder and louder as we shuffled up the stairs, the lights blinking rapidly.

I could now smell blood as we arrived on the floor I presumed them to be on.

"Here! Here!" I pushed the kids out the door, all of our shoes slapping against the shiny floor of the hospital.

Jonathan comes into a view and I speed in front of the kids, pushing Jonathan lightly aside and kicking open the door, Eleven racing into the room.

"Jesus." Mikes eyes bulge out of his head.

"What the f-" The monster cuts Max off with its screeches, it was red and looked as if it was made of skin and bone.

Eleven yells out as she whips the Mind Flayer around, against the walls, on the ceiling, on the floor, and out the window.

As soon as it crashes outside Jonathan and I race over to Nancy, crushing her in a hug.

"C-come on, come on. We need to get the kids." I skid out of the room, my legs pumping as I chase the kids down the hall, I could hear their feet scampering down the steps not to far away.

We catch up to them just as they reach the door, El shoving it open. We all watch in horror as the monster seems to melt, gurgling as it oozes into the sewer drain, leaving only bones.

I squeeze my eyes shut, slinging my arms around El and Max in a group hug.

This needs to end.

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