chapter 1

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You know that stupid crap about, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but word can never hurt me." Yeah, if I had a child I would tell them that is a load of shit. Words hurt, a lot. I learned that this was a lie at a very young age. Since the day I was born, I was the target and scapegoat for all that has gone wrong in this damn village.

After getting kicked out of Miss KuroKokoro's Orphanage I learned what the real world was like. there was danger at every corner and darkness in most human hearts. Day after day I was starved, beaten, and abused.

The reason for this is simple, I am the leaf village's Jinjuriki.

14 years ago there was an attack on the Village hidden in the leaves. On the date of October 10th, the Nine-tailed fox had come into the village and started killing thousands of people at a time until the fourth Hokage came around and "Killed" the beast. The thing with that is, that's not possible. you can't kill something that is made of pure chakra, you can only store it in a vessel that is strong enough to handle such a beast. That vessel would be me, Naruto Uzumaki. You see- on the very night of the attack, I was born.

To save the village I was sacrificed to become said vessel to the Bijuu. The person who had sealed the fox in me was none-other than my father, the fourth Hokage. My mother died protecting my father, and my father died protecting me. Before they had passed, they said their goodbyes and sealed the fox into a seal written on my stomach.

Every day since then I have been subject to the villagers' rude comments and violent gestures. Though it is forbidden to tell the new generation of citizens about me being the Jinjurikin, this doesn't stop the villagers from telling their children to stay away because I am a "monster". Because of this, I live in fear of what tomorrow may bring on any given day.

I hated the fox and my father for the longest time until I turned to the tender age of 4.


I need to hide before the sun comes up!

Today is October 10th. That means that today is the day for the village-wide fox hunt.

The village created the fox hunt when I turned 2 years old. What would happen is they would gather as many people as possible and hunt me down because I was the fox that they would be hunting.

I run down the streets until I hear a snicker from behind me.


I look behind me and I see three men with a kitchen knife, kunai, and rope. I look behind them to the street clock and see that it's 5 am. I tried to run away but it was too late and the men were too fast for me. Once they caught up they dragged me into the nearest alley. Once we were in the depth of the alley and hidden in the dark, they tied me up and said cruel words. Words like:



"Cursed freak"

After they were done ranting about how much of a monster I was, they started to use their weapons. Scraping and tearing through my skin, they laugh and snicker in glee. They carved words into my skin and into my thoughts. My wounds were bleeding profusely as the men gnashed and ground their sharp objects into my body. The pain was overwhelming and I was scared. So I started to cry out, "Please stop! Please... don't..don't do this. Why?! Why are you doing this to me?! I'm not a monster! I'm HUMAN!"

"Aww look," one of the men said almost laughing, "He's crying~. You wanna know why we do this? ~ Huh?!"

I nodded my head and another man continued, " Because~ YOU DESERVE IT! YOU DESERVE ALL OF IT AND MUCH MORE. YOU KILLED MY WIFE!"

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