XXVII - You're An Agent Now

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When my dad finally calms down, Peter and I come out of our hiding spot, and we help the two adults come up with a plan. After both of us officially become Avengers. But we arrive on Titan before we can fully figure something out.

"Ummmmm, dad we're here!" I yell as we enter the atmosphere. Or at least what looks like what is left of it. My dad and Peter land the ship after breaking a major chunk off of it.

I scan the area as my dad and Dr. Strange start bickering. I see a slight movement. I tap Peter on the head, (since he is upside down,) and he sees it too. "Hey if aliens end up planting their eggs in my chest and I end up eating one of you I'm sorry." I laugh at Peter's comment. My dad doesn't seem so amused, and Dr. Strange looks at us in a state of confusion on if he should either laugh or be disappointed.

"Alright, I don't want another single pop-culture reference form you for the rest of the trip do you unde-," My dad tells him until I cut him off.

"He's trying to tell you we're being attacked," I tell him rolling my eyes before I whirl around and face my attacker. But all I see is a grenade. I put it in the water I had gotten earlier when we were in space and froze it. It explodes the ice, but I just change the form of it into water, and put it around the mouth of this strange looking girl, who looks either French, or Asian, but has antennas. I freeze it, and Peter webs the bottom half of her up.

I call on any other source of water and find lots of it in the air. I change the water vapor into liquid, and I try to use it on this gray dude with red markings all over him, but he attacks me before I can. I take out my hand knives after dodging his attacks with ease and grace. I get the upper hand within seconds. I freeze his blood that I found on his arm, and he glazes over almost everywhere except for his face. I guess I could let him talk at least.

I turn around to see if anyone needs help, and find a piece of some kind of electric rope wrap itself around my legs. I jump to avoid it wrapping the entire way and succeed. I see only one more person standing, and see that it's a man. I call the water in the air and have it in liquid form almost dropping on his head, but then I see he has Peter. With a gun that points at his head. I look at Peter with a comforting gaze.

"Call the water down," the man asks revealing his face. Rookie mistake. I sigh and call off the water, and let it evaporate back into water vapor. "I'm going to ask you this one time... where is Gamora?" He asks it as more of a statement than a question, but what I'm more confused about is who Gamora is.

"Yeah, I'll do you one better. WHO'S Gamora?" My dad asks taking off his mask. The guy I froze earlier decides to speak up, and I regret letting him be able to talk.

"I'll do YOU one better. WHY is Gamora?" He asks. My dad looks at him in concern, and I facepalm.

"You don't wanna tell her where she is fine, I'll just french fry this freak!" the man says, and points the gun closer to Peter's head. With rage trying to burst through my veins, I call the water back up again getting ready to defend Peter.

"Let's do it, you shoot my guy, and I'll fry yours!" I look at my dad in disbelief in how he would just let Peter die like that.

"Do it, Quill! I can take it!" The gray dude my dad has pinned yells. This time I freeze his face to keep him from talking.

"No, you can't take it!" The girl with antennas says. Somehow she broke my ice.

"She's right you can't," Dr. Strange adds in.

"Fine then if you don't wanna tell me where she is then I'll beat it out of Thanos myself!" The man, who I'm guessing is Quill, yells. He pushes the gun closer to Peter's head and looks like he's about to pull the trigger. I start to send the water to him.

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