Chapter 6 - Finding The Start

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I am going to stick with this story. Not making another one since I will be jumping between two different mindsets.

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After being grounded by their mothers, Gothi started to write stuff into the ground. "Gothi is saying that we need to find the witch and ask her  more about the potion." Valka read. Suddenly, they heard war cries from above and saw the entire Berk population surrounding them. Spitelout came forward and demanded an explanation. (I was about to say Stoick but I remembered that he died at the end of the second movie) No one dared to answer. Spitelout sees Merida and pulls his sword out. Merida turned defensive as Stpitelout walked closer.

Spitelout was close to Merida and swung his sword. Merida used her paw to knock his sword out from his hand. The sword went flying in the air and almost killed Hiccup. All the vikings saw this and they charged into battle. The group knew that they were outnumbered so they immediately mounted onto their dragons and took off. Merida sat on top of Cloudjumper. The group were now in the air and looked downat Berk. They were all yelling at them except for Gobber and Gothi.

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Everyone flew off Berk. They knew the cove won't have enough room to hold everyone and if it did, flying as a large group would be noticeable. "Where to now?" Queen Elinor questioned her sister as they flew swiftly over an ocean. Valka was scanning her surroundings before spotting an island. Everyone took a turn and landed.

Merida sighed "So mum, what are we going to do now?" The rest of the teens and their dragons looked at them.

"You got yourself into this mess so you are going to get out of it." Queen Elinor scolded at her daughter. Hiccup let off a little chuckle. "You too Hiccup."

"Are you going to come with us? You know that the two of us can't defend ourselves alone." Hiccup looked over at his mum and aunt who nodded at their reply. "Well, all we know is that we need to find the witch first so let's get going. Everyone got into positions including the teens. "Astrid, Fishlegs, Meatlug and Stormfly, can you distract the Dunbroch Clan?" The four of them took off. "The rest of you, can you distract Berk? Try not to create too much destruction." The rest of the gang took off.

"Valka turned her head to Merida. "Where did you and Hiccup find this witch?" Merida was about to speak when all of a sudden, Hiccup suggests that Cloudjumper follows him.

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The group have returned to the Highlands. and landed in the forest. Merida dismounted off Cloudjumper and signalled everyone to follow her.

There were many twists and turns but they managed to make it to the witch's hut. Valka jumped off Toothless and gave a knock but there was no answer so Queen Elinor knocked. This time, the door swung open but there was no one there.

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Valka and Queen Elinor were already in the hut since their children couldn't fit. They were exploring the small hut when all of a sudden, they heard a voice. "Well hello there. What can I do to help you." An old woman came out.

Queen Elinor was the first to speak. "We are wondering how the spell can be reversed." The witch gave them both a confused look when Valka pulled out a small bottle which the witch was shocked to see.

"I gave two kids a bottle each. Can I have it back?" The witch held her hand out as Valka put the bottle into her hand. She examined it before speaking. "For the red-haired girl, you need her a handful of her fur, a drop from the bottle, an arrow and something that symbolises your family. As for the boy, you need a piece of his scale, a drop from the bottle, his dragon's saliva and something that symbolises your family." She gave them the bottles back and shooed them out

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The true adventure starts in the next chapter :P <---- (My signature face btw)

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