23|| Pricks and Parties

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What do you do when someone you hate is staying around for too long? Punch them? Smack them? Kick them in the nuts? Yes, they were all very violent options, but I’m right now at the point where those very options seem very enticing to me, and I’m not normally violent at all.

The jerk from lunch the other week, the Kyle dude who nobody wanted around, was currently by the fence of the soccer pitch catcalling the girls on the soccer team. His cocky ass thought that it was okay to stand there and call us all these infantilizing names with no repercussions like an idiot. Well, he’s about to get a wake-up call from someone who, not in the distant future, was going to kick his ass.

“Can he shut up, already?” Lindsey groaned as she stood a few metres from me, heading the ball my way as I passed it to her. “The jerk seriously can’t take a hint.”

“It’s more like he’s cocky enough to ignore them,” Hayley muttered as she sent a glare in his direction.

The other girls who were in earshot muttered their agreement as they kept shooting annoyed looks his way, distracting them from the task at hand. I finally made the decision to head over there so I could shut him the hell up. Letting the ball fall, I started to march over when Camilla stopped me.

“Cap, coach is gonna handle it,” she nodded over to the said person that I hadn’t notice was already walking over with irritation in her expression.

“Good,” I quipped, watching the interaction from afar with my arms crossed and stance strong, trying to restrain myself from doing the job myself. The other girls could sense the anger radiating from me, and so said nothing in response. I don’t think they’ve ever seen me this mad before, but after what happened in the cafeteria with Leah, there was a very real reason for me to hate the guy.

Coach confronted Kyle with her hands on her hips, clear disapproval in her stance as the guy just stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking as if he didn’t care about a word that came out of her mouth.

“He seriously has the guts to come back after what happened last year with Coach Greyson,” Olivia voiced, shaking her head in disbelief.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened with Kyle. Last season, during practice, he would bring a couple of guys with him to watch us like creeps as they hollered and yelled like immature idiots. Our previous coach had to step in and kick their asses to the principal’s office, but now that we had a new coach this season, I’m guessing Kyle thought it was okay to start it up again. However, this time, I’m going to make sure he gets something a lot worse than detention.

Lindsey pulled me back to our previous positions and prompted me to continue practising so I could distract myself from their encounter. I did so reluctantly but kept glancing back at the two every few seconds.

Coach Ackerman, by now, had started walking back to us with a stony expression on her face, not revealing anything as Kyle walked to the bleachers instead of the exit, sitting down with a smug smirk on his face.

“Why the hell isn’t he leaving?” Samantha, my midfielder, said what was on everyone else’s minds as we all paused in our practice. Coach stopped by us, crossing her arms and looked at the rest of the girls.

“He won’t be disrupting our practice anymore if he doesn’t want to spend any time in detention,” she grumbled distastefully towards the end. “Get back to your drills, girls,” she said authoritatively, not allowing any room for discussion.

They all moved back to their places, although not satisfied, but still accepting it and moving on seeing as Kyle had stopped vocally disrupting us. I stood staring at Kyle for a few more seconds, trying to direct my anger towards him with unspoken thoughts, my hard glare enough to satisfy me for now before I turned back to the others.

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