Chapter One

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Finishing up my last meeting of the day always puts me in a good mood today just that little bit more since it's friday and I get to be home all weekend. Dont get me wrong I love the fact I finally own my own buisness I never in a million years thought I'd own a buisness of my own let alone two. I'm now the owner of my dads garage after he retired and I own Sparks Enterprise selling and buying cars so both businesses work pretty well together but of course it can be exhausting and stressful at times.
I put away the documents from the last meeting I had at sparks enterprise and gather my things to leave, just as I get in the elevator of the 5 story high building my phone pings with a message

MummaGs for dinner me and Leela want it pleaseeeeee

Why I thought it was a good idea for my 10year old children to have phones i dont no, I'm always getting food demands from Ben and something or other that Leela so desperately needs. I better reply quick before I get bombarded by both of them.

Already on it son. I'll be home soon.

Friday is eat out night whether we actually go out or have a takeaway sitting together indoors and tonight is obviously a takeaway in doors kind of night and I'm pretty grateful for that, I'm exhausted.
As I enter MummaGs the smell and the surroundings make me smile and I cant help but giggle to myself a little, this has always been Cassies favourite restaurant, it soon become mine and now it seems to be Ben and Leelas favourite place to eat. I approach the counter and give my order
"Hungry tonight Ryan?" Sue the cashier laughs.
She's been here for years and become so familiar with me and Cassie she slowly became a good friend of ours, not just Sue who serves us at MummaGs but Sue who comes over for a catch up and Sue who comes out on the lash and Sue who became auntie Sue, she became family.
"Nope orders from the boy" I respond with a light laugh and the roll of my eyes
"I see hows he doing? Leela ok?" Sue asks
"Yeah all good no complaints" I smile and I mean it I cant complain, their good kids, they do well at school and have never had any issues from the school regarding Ben and Leela and they're well behaved at home too. Of course they have their little outbursts and arguments just like any 10 year old child would have but overall they are pretty well behaved kids I'm proud how they have grown.

Before I know it I'm entering the place I've called home for 8years now, of course the apartment was to small to raise 2 children so a bigger place was needed. 4 bedroom townhouse split over 3 levels with a massive garden I reckon weve done alright. I enter the kitchen and place the bags from MummaGs on the large kitchen island that sits centre of the kitchen with 4 stools sitting around it. I quickly wipe over the grey marbled surface and place the plates and cutlery ontop. Just as I get the food out of the bag I hear loud footsteps and Leelas voice bellowing towards me
"Yessssss I'm starving"
We all huddle round the kitchen island and tuck into the delicious familiar food we all love so much from MummaGs
"What did use do today then?" I ask directing the question to Leela
"Well we went to nannys and see her for a bit then we come home and mum made us do our homework whilst she cleaned" Leela moaned
"Well you have to do your homework we have this argument every friday Leela" Cassie says in response.

I smile watching them bickering at each other over why homework should be done and why it shouldn't be done. I was so close to losing Cassie and the twins 10years ago but that's all behind us now. Cass came out of the coma, the twins were delivered early by cesarean but thankfully Cassie was out of the coma by then, she had to have physiotherapy on her right arm and learn how to walk again but look at us now, we're married, we have 2 healthy children and were both in good health too. The future is ours and we plan on enjoying every moment. We found out the hit and run was by far an accident it was Mac, we heard in court how it wasnt planned, he was driving that way and see Cassie the rage built up inside him, jealousy seeing her pregnant and knowing she was carrying my children not his and he just drove into her, he seemed remorseful but he could have killed her and my babies and then I would have killed him. The only reason his alive is because he handed himself into the police out of guilt before I got the chance to get to him and to be honest I'm happy I didnt go after him because I wouldnt be sitting here now surrounded with my little family.
"Yeah leela you have to do your homework just like I do" ben sarcastically says
"Dont start use two, your do as I say and that's that now eat your food" Cassie says firmly and the children know their mum isnt joking as they quietly tuck into the food they wanted.

8pm soon rolls around so whilst Cassie takes the kids up to bed to read a story I clear the kitchen of rubbish and settle down on the large grey curved sofa and stick a film on whilst waiting for Cassie to join me and its in this moment right here surrounded by everything I've ever wanted in life, knowing the 3 most important people in the world to me are just upstairs I realise just how lucky i am and i feel so grateful to have what i have, I prayed, wished and hoped for a long time to be in the place I am right now, a cosy home, a log fire warming the living room perfectly, a beautiful wife who stays home watching our children and manages a buisness direct from our home selling handmade clothes and bags that she does all by herself and I couldnt be more proud. Two beautiful children who are kind, caring, loving, polite and generous, me and Cass brought them up well and I'm so relieved that Cassie is the mother of our children.

Happiness, love, home they're just words unless there is something behind them giving them value and for me that's Cassie, Ben and Leela and always will be.

Heyyyy Everyone !!

Welcome back!!
If you havent read my first story you should probably do so in order for this one to make sense.

So Cassie is alive!! 😁 and the twins made it😁

Mac was the one who run her down 😱

Will Mac get out of prison and try to hurt Cassie again or has he learnt his lesson?

What's your thoughts and theories?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter dont forget to comment and hit the vote button⭐

Toni xx

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