Chapter Nine

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It's been six months since our nightmare holiday ended, the questioning, the uncertainty and Cassie being took into custody. Ben was his normal happy self, not a care in the world but then to be honest he didn't really know what was going on when he was took, he wasn't treated badly by his abductor but instead took on days of adventures so I guess just like any kid he was having a great time especially since he thought Mac was just his mummy's friend. Leela suffered with nightmares the first two months afterwards continuously but she's gotten better she still has the odd night were she's wide awake running into the bedroom for a cuddle and some reassurance but miles better than before and that's down to all the reassurance she's gotten from myself, Cassie and family members even Ben makes her feel a little better in his own way, I heard him say once "stop being silly Leela I'm home now I only went on an adventure" innocent minds have innocent thoughts, they don't see the bad in people like us adults do and in a way I'm grateful because the aftermath of them events could have been worse if they did. 

The night we got our boy back was bitter sweet in one breath it was like dreams all coming true at once, our boy was back and safe our real life nightmare over and his abductor was dead but then Cassie got arrested for it so it was like losing one piece of my heart and getting the other bit back that was missing whilst Ben was gone. They was arresting Cassie for Murder and I couldn't believe it the same officers that lived our nightmare, the same officers we worked alongside doing exactly what they felt we should do for the best outcome, the same officers that watched Cassie and myself lose our minds but stay strong at the same time for Leela were the very ones who pushed her onto the ground of our hotel in Disney land like an animal, put handcuffs tightly around her wrist and led her out and I couldn't comprehend the betrayal, sure they have to do their jobs but they didn't even give Cassie the chance to explain they didn't approach her like she was a victim they approached her like she was a wild animal and I will never forgive police for that. I remember pleading "please don't, he took our boy, it was an accident, she isn't a murderer" over and over again but they never listened even though I didn't know exactly what had happened I didn't once paint Cassie as a cold blooded killer in my eyes she done what she had to do and to be honest given the chance I would have murdered Mac with my bare hands. Cassie looked numb as they led her away she didn't look shocked or scared or anything there was no emotion on her face and for the first time in my life I couldn't read her I couldn't gauge what she was thinking, what she was feeling or what had happened why was she so numb with emotion whilst Mac was laying cold on the floor ? I didn't get it! Cassie was an emotional person always had been it would have made more sense if she was hysterically screaming but I guess pain, lack of sleep, stress and anxiety makes people react different ways and in this case Cassie was completely emotionless, completely numb. 

"Dinner" the shouting of Cassie's voice pulled me from all my thoughts and I began following the smell of lasagne my favourite! I pulled a stool from the kitchen table and sat beside Leela and Ben already waiting patiently for their lasagne and garlic bread to be dished up. "Mmmmm that look so yummy mum" Leela smiled. We were all sitting around the island with our dinner placed in front of us, the steam still coming from the plate. "It really does look yummy babe" I smiled at Cassie as I took a big mouthful of the scrummy lasagne "I know" she winked back. Since the whole event at Disney land had happened me and Cassie had become a million times closer, I mean we always have been close and have always appreciated each other but I think them events showed us that we can face anything and get through anything life throws at us so long as we have each other. 

When Cassie was sitting in a police cell numb and feeling like the world was swallowing her up I was feeling panic, stress and lost I didn't know what to do I didn't know how to deal with the situation, the after math with out her, I couldn't go home because she had been arrested there I couldn't leave her, but I couldn't stay in the apartment either because it was now a forensic scene. I showed Cassie I'd never give up on her when the only way I felt I could in that situation and I started by paying for another apartment for 4 nights, put the kids in the big double bed to sleep whilst I sat on the end of the bed researching for hours how i could get Cassie out and I came up with self defence but it was never good enough for me because the risk of her going to prison was to high. Me and Cassie spoke on the phone and me and the lawyer I got to defend Cassie spoke for endless amounts of time he managed to get the charges dropped to grevious bodily harm (GBH) how? I don't even know it was like I could see a light at the end of the dark tunnel! She hasn't got a criminal record, the events that led up to that night were surely in the eyes of any judge justifiable to be honest I prayed she would get a judge with children so they could some what relate more and a jury with children too. Just as I was about to pay for another week in a Disney land hotel I remember the lawyer phoning me panic rising thru me but I never ever for a minute thought I'd hear the words he had said to me "You can go collect Cassie, the charges have been dropped" them words spin around my head day in and day out and I will always cling on to them, I remember feeling ecstatic, overwhelmed and in that instant I didn't ask no questions I didn't care all I cared about was that my wife was coming back after 4 nights away from me and her babies for something she done to save her own life and her babies lives! I packed all our stuff and me and the kids went and got Cassie back! 

It took a good few days for Cassie to open up to me and that's when I found out exactly what had happened in the apartment with Mac, exactly what happened in the police station and exactly why the charges were completely dropped against her! But that's a story for another time. For now we're enjoying normality, we've even booked another holiday and I know a million percent our babies will be close at all times and there's no option of sleeping in different rooms. "So whose for dessert?" Cassie said as she cleared the plates away "Me" shouted Ben and Leela  in unison "Depends what it is" I say with a smirk "You get yours later" Cassie winked and boy did I feel excited Cassie was gonna be my desert hell yeah! I would never get sick of this woman I'd have her for dessert every night if she let me. She must have sensed my excitement because she let out a soft giggle, this woman was out of this world in every single way, everything she has been through she's come out the other side stronger than ever and I applaud her for it. 

Hey Guys

I know it's been a while I'm sorry :( 

I'll be writing more often from now on, this is a short spin off from my first book A Thousand Words and will only have around 15 chapters! I recommend you read the first book if you haven't already :) 

Hope use are all enjoying Always Us so far!

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Toni xxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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