Chapter Five

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!!! WARNING !!!

!!! WARNING !!!


It's true what they say time really does fly when you're having fun we are already on day six and yet it still feels like our first night here I guess having so much to explore and never feeling like you've explored enough will have that affect. It's currently 9am the kids must have been exhausted from all our exploring as I am yet to hear a peep out of them and that's unusual to say the least their normally up the crack of dawn. Every morning since we've been here they wake each other up and run straight into our room and ask what we are doing today of course its tiring being woke up before you're ready to wake up but that's what having kids is all about their needs are way more important than your own and their excitement is what keeps you going. "Hey sleepy head" I softly say to Cass as she wakes beside me. "mmmm" is all she manages to respond as she rubs her eyes. "Where's the kids?" she asks sitting straight up in bed she looks panicked "Babe relax their obviously still sleeping" I reassure her. "Is it early?" she asks "It's 9.15 beautiful, we still have plenty of time to explore, the kids obviously need the sleep" I reply, I don't get why she is so panicked, kids need as much sleep as we do if not more as they use way more energy than we do. She gives me a concerned expression as she slips out of bed and wraps a pale pink silk night gown around her matching set of silk pyjamas. She heads to our ensuite and I hear her relieve her bladder before washing her hands and brushing her teeth, she comes out and pulls her chocolate brown curls into a bun on top of her head "I'm gonna go check the twins" Cassie states as she places a soft kiss on my lips. "Ok babe" I simply respond. 

"RYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" Cassie's voice bellows through our hotel  "RYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" She screams again before I have the chance to respond to her first call. Her call is so ear piercing and sincere I can feel my body drain from colour something is wrong extremely wrong I cant get to her quick enough I run down the Disney themed little hallway within our hotel hearing my bare feet slap against the wooden flooring until I reach the room I hear Cassie's screams and cries coming from, the room the twins are currently sharing. "I'm sorry mum" I hear Leela cry to Cassie "sorry for what darling what's a matter?" I ask Leela as I approach her and Cassie sitting in the middle of the room on the floor I look around but cant seem to locate Ben. "He said if I'm not quiet and I tell my mum or dad then I would be took away like Ben and I wouldn't see use ever ever again, he said Ben will come back and I'm not to cry" Leela cries hardly taking a breath. "Ok it's not your fault baby girl don't worry" I reassure Leela. Shit!! Ben's been took?! What the fuck?! Why?! Who?! When?! Cassie is just sitting there not moving speaking or reassuring our baby girl that she is not to blame and I cant lie I'm beginning to become infuriated with her. "Cass our kids need us ring the fucking police whilst I talk to Leela" I practically shout at her something I've never done before I don't like raising my voice to Cass or the twins I don't think its needed but right now she needs to come back to reality and find our boy! I hear her take a deep breath before pulling her mobile phone out of the silk gown she's wearing with shaking hands. "Police" I hear her say and knowing she's now on the phone to the police I can concentrate on talking to Leela finding out what happened and reassuring her that this is not her fault. 

It's now 12.15pm three whole hours since we realised our boy was gone, the police attended our hotel, Cassie filled them in on her version of events as did I. When the police spoke to Leela my heart literally broke Leela was sitting on the Disney themed sofa with me and Cass on either side of her whilst the police officer sat on the solid oak table infront of us. "Hi Leela, I'm Detective Sanson, what happened this morning?" the detective asked Leela softly. Leela was so brave she cried and cried as she told the detective, myself and Cass how she's sorry Ben wasn't here anymore we all reassured her she wasn't at fault and she's being so brave for telling us all what happened and that's the truth it isn't Leela's fault, she's an innocent child who was threatened by a man she had never seen before, by a man who took her brother and promised if she behaved and done what he said he would bring her twin brother back, she's extremely brave for telling us all what had happened not missing any detail through out the whole conversation.

Leela told the detective that her and Ben was asleep in bed but a noise had woke them both up at the same time, they had looked at each other confused before noticing that a man was sitting on the end of Ben's bed. The man told them not to scream or they would be in big trouble and that he was mummy and daddy's friend. Leela said that Ben stayed quiet whilst she asked who he was and she will call mum and dad for him because she don't know who he is and that's when the man was horrible to her. Leela told the detective that the man said to her im taking your brother on an adventure because his been good and not made any noise she doesn't get to go because she asked questions, he said if she made a noise or told mummy and daddy he would take her and she would never see us again however, because Ben had been a good boy he will bring him back when the adventures over. He said that if he found out Leela had told anyone about what happened he would never bring Ben back and it would be all her fault. So now she had told myself, Cassie and Detective Sanson what had happened she was scared the man would find out and keep Ben forever "I promise Leela, you've done the right thing and me and the other officers will do our best to bring Ben home ok" Detective Sanson reassured Leela. I escorted an officer to the room Ben was took from whilst Cassie sat comforting Leela on the sofa. "Thank you sir, me and my partner are going to see if we can find any information that can lead us to our kidnapper" an officer informed me "Ok" I simply replied and stood leaning against the frame of the door observing the officers search through the children's room. "Bingo!" one of the officer exclaimed. I tried asking him what it was he had found but he never responded instead he walked straight past me to the detective who was previously talking with Leela. 

Detective Sanson pulled me and Cassie aside whilst another officer sat with Leela keeping her occupied talking about our holiday "we believe this wasn't a random kidnapping and that the kidnapper may be someone who knows you both and has watched and planned this out, we will keep an officer in this hotel with you 24hours a day we advise you keep Leela near and do not leave the hotel until stated otherwise by myself or another officer" Detective Sanson informs us "Someone we know? That's not possible, nobody we know would ever do this" Cassie says shocked that the detective could even suggest something like this. "I can not of course say a thousand percent this is the case but we have seen cases like this before where the kidnapper has some sort of connection to the family. We believe one of you may receive a call from the kidnapper themselves or even an attempt to come back for Leela. We will be wiring your phones as well as the hotel phone that you have access to so that we can track and listen in to any phone conversations we feel necessary. An officer will be staying in this hotel with you, as we believe the kidnapper may return we have a plan that could work if use are on board" The detective says matter of factly. It's a lot to process, someone we know?! I think she is wrong but we're see. "What plan?" Cassie asks the detective. "We want Leela in her bed" The detective states "Absolutely not! Have you lost your damn mind?!" I shout at the detective "Sir please let me finish" the detective says "We want Leela in her bed and an officer will be laying underneath Ben's bed so they are able to see everything going on, the wardrobe opposite the beds we noticed have shutters were we are able to look from so an off" I interrupt. "I'll be in the wardrobe or it doesn't happen" I say matter of factly. The detective nods in agreement, reluctantly but she knew I wasn't taking no for an answer, my son's been took I'm not about to lose my daughter as well. 

Hey Everyone!!

I know this chapter may have been hard for some viewers but please remember its just a figment of my imagination! 

Who do you think took Ben?

Will the Detective's plan work? 

What's your thoughts and theories ??

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

Toni xx

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