Chapter Seven

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Cassie's P.O.V

Realising my little boy had been took was a nightmare I never thought I'd be living, it's a mothers, no its a parents worst fear and me and Ryan are living it. The revelation of Mac being released from prison definitely makes me certain its him but I don't want to feel completely confident in that because its not a fact and anyone could have took Ben although it does certainly seem Mac may have taken my baby, I know one thing for sure if he is the person who took Ben and left me Ryan and Leela living a nightmare i'll feel guilty for the rest of my life, he was my ex and I should have left him when I first ever noticed he didn't treat me how I deserved to be treated but instead I stayed until I finally couldn't take no more which only lead him to making Ryan live a nightmare at the thought of losing me and the twins and now were living a different kind of nightmare. The thoughts are all consuming at the moment I can't sleep, I cant eat, all I can think about is Ben, who has him? Is he ok? Will I ever get my baby back?

The sound of my mobile ringing and devices that were set up by the police to track calls to my phone pinging away pulled me from my thoughts, my heart sped up, my stomach dropped and adrenaline pumped through my veins. Mine and Ryan's family and friends were told to only contact us on Ryan's phone if they needed us to ensure we didn't miss a call from the kidnapper if they did call. As my shaky hands picked up my device on the coffee table the screen flashed showing no caller i.d, I knew in my gut the person who took my boy was calling but I didn't know why and I honestly had no idea how this conversation would begin and end. "Don't agitate the abductor, we need them on the phone for 6minutes. Cassie you can do it" the detective said quickly and firmly. I pushed the green button on my phone accepting the call, with a shaky voice I say "Hello". "Mum, I miss use all lots" I hear my little boys voice for the first time in what feels like forever, his alive, he sounds ok! I hold back the tears that are beginning to form in my eyes "Ben, baby, you ok? where are you?" I say panicking, I need to know. I need my boy home. "Didn't Leela tell you I'm having an adventure, I'm ok mum i'm having fun, I've been on a rollercoaster you know, it was scary at first but he held my hand then I was ok. I like your friend why haven't I seen him before?" Ben responds so fast I barely catch what his saying, he seems excited and seems well he seems confused as to why his never met my 'friend' before. Why on earth would someone take my boy for an adventure what sort of sick person does that! "wow that sounds great, but I miss you I want you to come home now can you ask my friend to bring you home baby?" I say softly choking back the tears. I hear a mans voice in the background but cant make it out it sounds muffled "Ben" I say trying to gain my sons attention "I have to go bye mum, Mac said our adventure ends soon and he told me to tell you that his sorry" Ben says quickly "Ben, Ben wait, Ben" I shout down the phone but the phone goes dead. His hung up! Mac has my son! Mac has took my baby! Mac!!!

Before I knew it I was sitting alone in the Disney themed apartment we rented for what was suppose to be a fun filled surprise holiday for the twins but instead Leela is on her tablet watching youtube videos whilst I'm on my fourth coffee wearing ...

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Before I knew it I was sitting alone in the Disney themed apartment we rented for what was suppose to be a fun filled surprise holiday for the twins but instead Leela is on her tablet watching youtube videos whilst I'm on my fourth coffee wearing out the flooring by pacing back and forth waiting for news. Ben and I were on the phone long enough for the officers to track the device he called from luckily it was a mobile so they was able to get a precise location, the phone was tracked to a theme park's hotel accommodation so the officers, detective and Ryan are currently on their way to hopefully bring Ben home of course the detective was persistent in telling Ryan it was best he stay here but he wasn't having any of it and to be honest I don't blame him! That's our son and no-one will love or protect Ben like we will, Ryan was adamant he was tagging along and much to Detective Sanson's grievance with the idea she had no choice but to accept it. I have a white circle pad with a red button on that fits perfectly into my dressing gown pocket it kind of looks like a buzzer from a game show but it's nowhere near used for fun purposes in fact it's actually an alarm that the detective was able to set up to a mobile looking device that she will have on her whilst i'm in the house alone with Leela,  when pushed it sends a signal to the detectives mobile looking device and indicates to her i'm in danger. Hopefully I won't have the need to use it since there is still one officer left to guard the door of the apartment however, its better to be safe than sorry I mean who knows what Mac has planned!

The sound of Ryan's phone vibrating on the kitchen island makes me jump, the detective suggested keeping his phone here incase they needed to contact me and it seems they did as I see Detective Sanson flashing on the screen, I pick the phone up with shaky hands preparing for the worse but praying for the best "Do you have him?" I practically shout down the phone. There's silence I can hear Ryan shouting in the background. "whats going on?" I demand. "Cassie I need you to listen to me but I need you to remain calm and remember Leela is there with you" The detective says "Tell her hurry up were running out of time" I hear Ryan shout, his voice is laced with panic and worry and it's then I know something is terribly wrong "Where's Ben?" I demand beginning to grow angry, frustrated and pretty scared if I'm being honest. "The marker on your phone indicating Mac's were about is heading in your direction, please remain inside, we have alerted the officer on your apartment door and other officers are on their way we will be there soon keep Leela in site" the detective says matter of factly, I can't respond, I run for the living room even thou I can visibly see Leela it's not enough I need to be next to her protecting her because i'll be damned if anyone tries taking her aswell. "Cassie" the detective shouts into the phone, I forgot I was even on the phone to her "yes, yes ok, hurry" I say back before hanging up. His on his way here?! Does he have Ben? Is he returning my baby? Is he coming for Leela? I feel sick. I pull Leela from the sofa unable to tell her why due to having a mouth full of vomit and pull her with me to toilet I slam the door shut, lift the lid of the toilet seat and throw up, god only knows what i'm throwing up because I cant remember the last time I ate something. "Are you ok mum?" Leela asks looking concerned. I wipe my mouth with a nearby towel and swish mouth wash around my mouth "Im fine darling just a tummy ache" I reassure her. She seems satisfied with my response as she doesn't question it further.

Sitting on the sofa watching Leela watch youtube videos makes me realise how lucky I am to be a mum how lucky I am to have two healthy children and a husband who adores me. The police need to find Mac and bring my son home soon because I've had enough, I've had enough of waiting, I've had enough of relying on strangers to find my boy, I've had enough and I am going to get my little boy back whatever it takes. The sound of glass shattering has my heart hammering in my chest, my adrenaline pumping and my anger fuelling. 

His here I know it! This was his plan all along to distract the officers and Ryan sending them on a goose chase ensuring I was here at his mercy well he thought wrong i'm so fucking ready for whatever he has planned! I grab Leela's hand and go to the front door of the apartment to alert the officer of whats happening and for him to just keep my baby girl safe but as I pull the door open and go to speak i'm met with silence i'm met with the deafening sound of silence and the view of absolutely nobody. Ok i'm in this alone! I take a deep breath and prepare myself to get my boy back, keep my girl safe and well I don't know about Mac murder maybe? Lets see!

Hey everyone!! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and generally enjoying the story so far!

It's been confirmed Mac took Ben!! 

Is Mac in the apartment ?

What do you think Mac's plans are?

Wheres the officer?

Will Ryan get to Cassie in time or will disastrous events take place?

Expect the unexpected!!

Don't forget to comment and vote! 

Toni xx

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