Chapter Eight

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Cassie's P.O.V

I hear a voice I've not heard in a while, a voice i've missed, a voice i've longed for and I can hardly believe it "Mummmmm" is all I hear echoing through our Disney themed apartment and before I know it my boy slams in to me in such a tight embrace I can barely breathe "Ben, baby" I say repeatedly whilst crying and touching his face ensuring this wasn't just a dream. My boy is back and the relief I'm feeling is overwhelming there are so many emotions and questions consuming me its hard to breathe. Then I suddenly remember Ben was took, took from his holiday room, took by Mac! As reality smacks me straight in the face my guard goes up instantly and I'm stood  protecting my babies, pushing them behind me, I wipe my face using the sleeve of my top and take a deep breath. I'm ready for this bastard! 

I hear heavy footsteps coming in my direction and I make sure I have a hold of my babies behind me, then I see him, I see the man who mentally abused me, I see the man rip Ryan's heart into shreds, I see the man who took Ben, my little boy, my baby and his walking towards me so casually as if this is the most normal encounter in the world. He looks rough I have to admit, worn down, skinny to be honest over all just not good at all. Without realising I suck in a deep breathe adrenaline, anger and fear running through my veins. "Cassie" Mac says calmly bowing his head to the floor and clearing his throat why the fuck is he acting like all this is normal like he hasn't ripped me and my family apart, like taking Ben on an 'adventure' is fucking normal?! Ooooo ima lose my shit right now. "Don't you come near me, don't you come near my kids Mac i'm warning you!" I shout. Mac takes a step backwards holding his hands up in the air as if he is some innocent man being verbally attacked by some crazy woman! Oh hell no he don't get to play victim anymore! 

I turn to my kids standing behind me the fear visible in their little faces, I don't have my back to Mac that would be pretty stupid since I don't really know his intentions "Ben, Leela can you show me how use are brave and amazing?" I ask the twins with a soft calm voice. They both nod in response "Go to mine and your dads room, shut the door and lock it, stay in there together, play I spy or turn the t.v on watch something fun and have a cuddle but do not, no matter what you hear do not come out of that bedroom unless me or your dad ask you too, do u understand?" I say firmly. They give me a nod letting me know they understand what i'm saying, I pull them both into a hug kiss each of their foreheads and nod them into the direction of mine and Ryan's room with a reassuring smile. As soon as I see that my babies are in the room I told them to go to I listen for the key locking the door and run straight for Mac ploughing my fists into him as hard as I can hoping to cause as much damage as possible. I'm not a violent person, I don't like violence at all physical or mental but in this moment i'm out for blood this bastard took my son and then Waltz in here like everything is absolutely fine and normal and I just can't let that go over my head!

Everything happened so fast, in such a blur, everything is just all blurred around me, there's people running around the apartment, in and out the door, running around like headless chickens, what their doing I couldn't tell you its like my mind i...

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Everything happened so fast, in such a blur, everything is just all blurred around me, there's people running around the apartment, in and out the door, running around like headless chickens, what their doing I couldn't tell you its like my mind is elsewhere, it kind of feels like an out of body experience like my body is here but I'm not really here with my body if that makes sense I don't know I don't know how else to describe it. I suddenly feel the warmth of another body sitting right next to me on the floor in the same position, knees up, elbow resting on the knee with the back of the neck grasped by the hand and it's then I hear a familiar voice calling my name "Cassie, Cassie" it sounds like they are so far away, in the distance so to speak, almost as though their whispering so softly scared for anyone else to hear or they've simply lost their voice. The more my name is called the louder the voice becomes "Cass, please Cass answer me" and then I realise the voice is Ryan's laced in fear, uncertainty and desperation then everything clicks, I know where I am and all that has just happened comes flooding back like a hurricane with a vengeance. I begin crying uncontrollably, my body shaking, I feel sick. Ryan pulled me in close to him and I flopped into his embrace completely drained. "Baby it's ok, i'm here, you're ok, the twins are ok" He says reassuringly "My babies, where's my babies?" I ask in a panic suddenly remembering I told them to lock theirselves in our room, I don't know how long they've been there for. "There ok, i've seen them, i've spoken to them, their in the bedroom they won't come out unless I tell them otherwise ok" Ryan says stroking the hair out of my face I nod in acknowledgment and sink further into his shoulder.

After several long hours of sitting in the police station going over and over what happened made me feel physically sick I don't know if I was trying to convince Detective Sanson and the other officers or myself that I wasn't a violent person, all I know is reliving every single thing that happened from the moment I saw Ben's precious face again to now was surreal I feel like i'm telling someone else's story not my own but the pain surging through my head and fists reminded me it was in fact my very own story, my very own horror story that i'll live with for the rest of my life but you know what, I know i'll get through it because what happened in that apartment i'd do over and over again a hundred times if need be. Mac may have thought this was all fun and games in his sick little twisted head, he put us all through a real life nightmare and i'm so glad I was the person to get the last laugh. "Cassie, I know you're tired and probably don't care about what happened to Mac but it's my duty to inform you" Detective Sanson says my mind is numb what she tells me won't sink in anyway and she's right I don't care not one tiny bit about the man who tried so hard to destroy me and my family, I don't respond I let her talk and do her job "Mac.......

Hey Everyone!!!!!

Hope you're enjoying this story so far! Sorry it took so long to post an update I'll try updating more often!!

Ben's back !!!!!!!

What's happened to Mac?!

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Toni xx

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