Chapter Six

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Three nights now we've tried the plan the detective wanted to try, Leela in her bed an officer underneath Ben's empty bed and me hiding in the wardrobe incase the kidnapper returned for Leela. Three whole days and three whole nights of not knowing were my little boy was, three whole days and three whole nights of not knowing what his going through and three nights of no sleep. I'm absolutely drained physically and emotionally I just want my boy home now, Cassie has been an absolute wreck she cries and cries, she lays in bed quietly incase the kidnapper comes back but she doesn't sleep she's just as physically and emotionally drained as I am and I feel useless I can't tell Cassie everything will be alright because if our little boy is never found our lives will never ever be the same again. 

"Dad, Dad" Leela's little voice distracts me from my thoughts as she tugs on my top. "What is it darling?" I ask "I miss Ben is the grey haired man gonna bring him back now?" Leela asks me innocently. "Grey haired man?" Detective Sanson interrupts I shoot her a glare before responding to my little girl, I know the officers are here to help but I miss my privacy I really do and I'm becoming extremely frustrated with the lack of progress in finding my boy. Detective Sanson pulls me aside once I've finished comforting Leela with lies that Ben is coming back soon, I mean I don't know if he is, I don't know where he is, who his with or what's happening and them thoughts alone are killing me slowly. "Leela never gave a description of the man who took Ben before she has now mentioned his hair colour, these things can happen she's a child who went through an horrific ordeal now the shock has wore off and she has slept she may be remembering more and any detail no matter how small could be significant in this case. I would like to talk to Leela in the presence of you and your wife of course" Detective Sanson states. Ok it probably is very beneficial that Detective Sanson is here and our privacy is being invaded because I never picked up on the new information Leela had let slip, everything is just a blur for me and Cassie right now so I am grateful Detective Sanson picked up on it. I nod at Detective Sanson in response letting her know I agree with her decision to talk to Leela again regarding the kidnapper. 

Myself, Cassie, Leela and the detective sit around the sofa as we have plenty of times since Ben's disappearance and an officer sitting on the sofa on opposite side is taking notes which I don't recall from previous encounters. "Hey Leela how are you today?" Detective Sanson approaches Leela with a soft voice, this time Leela doesn't look at me and Cassie for confirmation to go ahead and talk which I view as a good thing I guess it means she trusts Detective Sanson "I miss my brother when is he coming home?" she asks the detective. "I'm sure he will be home soon maybe his just having too much fun what do you think?" the detective asks Leela, Leela nods in response with a light chuckle. "Leela I heard you say the man who took Ben on an adventure had grey hair is that right?" The detective asks. Leela nods in confirmation "Can you remember what he looked like or what he was wearing?" The detective asks. This time Leela did look at me and Cassie for confirmation, I guess the words the kidnapper had said to her about telling anyone was on her mind she didn't want to be took away for ever, I gave her a reassuring nod whilst smiling at her but she sat fiddling with her fingers on her lap not showing any indication she was about to fill us all in on the mans description. "You're doing so good darling, you can tell us what he looks like don't be scared me and your dad are here ok" Cassie reassures Leela. Leela takes a deep breath and wipes the tear that rolled down her cheek away before she began to talk. "Ermm, he had grey hair like Nanny's but it was short hair like Dad's not long like mum's, he had a suit on, it was grey same as his hair" she said, this was clear in Leela's mind, anyone could tell that, she didn't stumble over her words or have to think hard she just said it as she see it, it came naturally. "Ok Leela that's great, anything else that you can think of?" The detective asks. Once again Leela looks at me and Cassie for confirmation that it's ok to tell the detective what she remembers so both myself and Cassie look down at our little girl nod whilst showing a small smile. "He had the letter C on the side of his hand I think it was a tattoo" Leela says. 

Leela was sat watching some youtube videos on the t.v in the living room whilst I was standing behind Cassie leaning over the kitchen sink being sick. "Cassie can you tell us why you've reacted like this, do you no who the kidnapper could be?" the detective quizzes Cassie. Cassie wipes her mouth with the cuff of her sleeve and blurts out with a croaky voice "It's Mac, Mac's got our boy Ry" to say i'm stunned would be an understatement. What the fuck!! Hasn't he done enough to us? to Cass?! Wouldn't Cassie have been informed of his release?! What's he got planned?! I cant speak i'm just stood in the kitchen in shock, in anger, in worry, the detective speaks and pulls me from my thoughts "Who is Mac and how can you be so sure?" "Mac had the tattoo C on the side of his hand for my name just before we split I forgot all about it to be honest, I didn't think he would take our boy, I mean why wasn't I informed of his release from prison? it's all my thought, it's all my thought he took our boy Ry" Cassie responds, she breaks down crying no doubt realisation hitting her that her crazy arse ex not only tried to kill her and what he thought was our unborn baby but he now has took the child he thought he took from us years ago!! When is he gonna stop?! What's it gonna take for him to stop?! I've had enough!! "I suggest you find him before I do" I state with anger at the detective it's not a threat, far from it. It's a promise! I won't be held accountable for the damage I'll cause to that scum bag. "Ryan this will not help anyone in finding your son and returning him safely home, now please calm down and let your wife explain to us the history between her and Mac, if he was released from prison for a situation involving Cassie then Cassie should have definitely been informed by the authority's so this is something we can chase up immediately" The detective states back in a firm tone. 

After several hours of Cassie reliving the nightmare Mac put her through, then us through leading up to the moment Ben got took, the detective making phone calls etc we finally had some answers. Cassie was informed of Mac's release however, they couldn't get through to neither Cassie or myself Via telephone so they sent a letter stating his release date which in fact was the exact day Ben went missing but of course we are on holiday so we didn't see the letter, so we have a prime suspect that matches every detail we can think of and the detective seems pretty damn confident its Mac to but of course finding this information out leads us to more questions such as how on earth did Mac know we was on holiday? 

Hey Everyone!!

Thanks so much for reading and following me in my journey. 

So did Mac take Ben or have they got it wrong?

Will Ben ever return?

Will Leela get took?

Will these twists and turns ever end?

Tell me your thoughts and theories!

Don't forget to comment and vote :) 

Toni xx

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