Chapter Three

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Cassie's P.O.V

I was just about to stick a film on with the kids and snuggle on the sofa whilst the dinners cooking in the oven and whilst waiting for Ryan when the sound of the letter box distracts me. I pull several letters from the letter box but one in particular catches my eye as it seems to have a sticker stuck over some writing that's been hand written. I tear the seal of the envelope and unfold a small piece of lined paper that was sitting inside nothing in the world could have prepared me for what I was about to read. After reading the letter I instantly felt sick, my whole body trembled and I felt the colour draining from me, so with shaking hands I got Ryan's number up on my mobile and rung him, I needed him, after several rings I hear his voice and I cant lie I feel my body relax a little
"Hey beautiful, wont be long" he says, no doubt reassuring me that he hasnt forgot his promise to be back in time for dinner.
"No....." is all I manage to blurt out before crying
"Breathe Cass, why you crying? I'm coming ok" he responds his voice laced with concern
"Oook" I stutter not being able to string together a sentence before hanging up.
Leela and Ben are upstairs and I'm relieved because I dont think I can answer their questions when they ask what's wrong as I slide down the wall and sob into my hands until I hear the lock turning in the front door, knowing its Ryan, my best friend, my husband, my safe place I jump to my feet instantly and run to him wrapping my arms around his neck and melting into his embrace before he even gets the chance to shut the front door completly.
"Hey, what's going on beautiful?" He asks
Even though his trying to remain calm I can hear the concern in his voice, I can hear his heart banging against his chest.
"I got a letter" I cry into his chest
"Right?" He asks seemingly a little confused
I don't have the words to muster up to explain what the letter is so I pass him it, but before he flips it open to start reading I say
"Sit with me, I didnt read it all, we can do it together"
We do just that, we sit on the floor, backs against the wall just beside our front door, he opens the letter up and I see his eyes bulge, we sit in silence as we read together a letter we never wanted to recieve, a letter we never expected, a letter that brings so many emotions it's hard to process.

My Cassie, your always be my Cassie.
I'm sorry for running you down on the street that day, I was so relieved to hear that you had pulled through, I do hope your baby is ok too. I see red, I felt so angry and upset that you had left me and I didnt even no why so when I see you the anger just took over. We had some good times Cass, we was planning our wedding. I was gonna be your husband, you my wife for the rest of our lifes. You cant blame everything on me you was at wrong for most of it in our relationship if we are gonna be truthful you have never been an angel. I no the kid ain't mine but if it did survive I'd be willing to raise it with you. I forgive you for everything you done wrong and for leaving me and starting something with Ryan, how silly you must no it wont work, I doubt use are still even together but even if use are you can still come back to me Cassie it's not to late it will never be to late when it comes to me and you, let's have the wedding we was gonna have aye girl and stop all this nonsense. I'll be out soon. Let's meet and have a chat sort this all out.

Love you always my darling Cassie
Love Mac xx

Ryan's whole body had stiffened, his jaw clenched, his nostrils flared, he looks angry.
"Babe" is all I manage to say
"How fucking dare he, he forgives you?! After all he put you through, us through, he nearly fucking killed you and our babies now he wants to start over and marry you and fucking raise our kid. Bloody bastard is lucky his in a prison cell I'm telling you" Ryan shouts as he smashes his fist through the wall next to our front door where we was sitting just seconds ago.
"Baby calm down, please, you no what his like, he isnt worth your anger" I plead him to calm down, I dont want the twins to come down and witness their dad full of rage and their mum in tears, eventually he gives in and slides down the wall the same way I did minutes before he had walked through the front door. I sat down beside him resting my head on his shoulder, I didnt say anything to be honest I didnt know what to say. We both no I was crying due to shock and pure disbelief and we both no Ryan felt angry for the same reasons. The audacity Mac had to write me a letter in the first place let alone a letter like that shows more than anything he doesnt show any remorse for what he done and will never change, his a narcissist and they never change I had a lucky escape and thankfully I survived the ordeal and so did the twins.
"Listen he knows nothing and he will never no anything. Ryan we get to have the last laugh, he dont even no were married with 2 children and living in a beautiful house, he doesnt even no where we live or the fact we have our own businesses he doesnt no a thing and that's what should keep you going knowing that he had everything and lost it all because of the prick that he is" I say finally breaking the silence.
"Hows the letter get here then Cass? Of course he knows where we live" Ryan says, he sounds so defeated like he wants so badly to squeeze the life out of Mac but cant and quite frankly its heartbreaking to no he feels this way.
I pass Ryan the envelope the letter came in as it shows a sticker with my name and address that clearly covers something else which I'm assuming is our old address.
"Ok, but still hows it end up here anyway?" Ryan asks
"Baby I dont no but what I do no is Mac doesnt no where we live, he knows nothing, 9years his been behind bars whilst weve built a life he can spend another 9 there for all I care" I say.
To be honest I'm beginning to feel a little frustrated, receiving the letter was a shock to me I went through hell and back with Mac and I get that he also put Ryan through hell and back when I was In a coma and he didnt no whether me and the twins would survive or not but I needed some reassurance i didnt expect to be the one doing the reassuring, maybe that's selfish I dont no.
As if he can read my mind he grabs me and pulls me close
"I'm sorry babygirl, I'm just shocked, angry, seething to put it politely, you no I've got you gorgeous, I'll always have you ok" he says with his low comforting voice
"I no, I no we both have our own demons to deal with when it comes to Mac. We got this coz we have each other ok baby" I say in response and I mean every word.
Mac nearly took me away from Ryan once when he knocked me over and he nearly took the chance of me and Ryan becoming parents away aswell and I'll be damned if I let that sorry excuse of a man take away anything from my life including Ryan and our babies. I married Ryan and I plan on growing old with him I will never let anyone get in the way of that especially Mac!!

Hey Everyone!!

Thanks so much for reading! Are use enjoying it?

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Will Cassie and Ryan get through this hurdle or let their emotions get the better of them?

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Toni xx

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