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Isaacs POV

Over the last two weeks I've been pretty worried about Laura. She says she's fine but half the time she won't talk, she's got a wheelchair so she can be around the house or in the garden to get some fresh air but I know she's not doing too well. I want to speak to her about it but I don't know how, I don't know how she feels and I guess that's where I need to start.

I went up to our room with lunch in my hands. I was nervous because I was scared. Scared that whatever was bothering her I couldn't help. I was scared that I was useless.

I walked in and she was laying down looking at the wall. Not doing anything...

"Hey, I got lunch."

"I'm not feeling hungry...."

"You need to eat."

"Why? It'll only come back up again."

I sighed not knowing what else to say because she was right. I sat down next to her and said the thing that I thought was making her sad.

"Do you want to have this baby? Our baby?"

She turned and looked at me and angry quickly filled up her eyes. I said the wrong thing....

"What?! Why would you think that?! Of course I want this baby, I want it more than anything! Why would you think otherwise?"

"Look, I'm really sorry about what I just said, it's just that you've been really down lately and sad and you won't talk and I don't know what wrong therefore I can't fix it and I don't want you sad I want you to feel better. Just tell me what's wrong. Please?"

"What's bothering me is something that you can't fix and I have to accept it. I'm sorry I've been such a bitch lately, blame the hormones, I don't have any control."

I nodded. I wanted to know what was bothering her still so she could still get it off her chest. That might help. Maybe.

"I know that I might not be able to help, but can you please just tell me about it."

"Well... it's my parents, I really need them and I miss them"

"I know-"

"No you don't know, I miss them horribly and I have no other family that will care for me, for our baby and it makes me feel horrible. I can't even be there for our baby because I'm not strong enough and all it makes me want to do is cry more and more."

She was right I don't know how it felt. All I could do is try to understand but I couldn't say I knew. I wrapped my arms around her and she let it all out. Everything that she was keeping in her mind she let it out, I didn't realise how much she missed her parents, I guess having a child that there couldn't see would be she's because I knew that if it was me I would be crushed but I'm glad I have my family and Laura is apart of that now.

She was exhausted I guess she hasn't been sleeping that well with all of that in her mind. She soon fell asleep. I looked down at her and smiled at her. She was beautiful and I hoped that our baby got her beauty be sure then the baby would be perfect and if the baby had my looks she could end up looking like Jacob or worse, Micheal, no baby deserved that.

I later down Laura in our bed and got up. I needed to go and get something before she woke up and there's only one person that I could ask for help. So I went searching.

"Muuuuum. Where are youuuu?" I was walking downstairs trying to find her. Our house was larger than usual houses because of what my dad done for work but it wasn't that big that I wouldn't be able to find someone.

I made my way to the living room but no one was there and then I went to the kitchen and my dad was there... making a cake, the most unlikely thing for him to do.

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