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Layla's POV

I was in maths when the bell rang, maths was the last lesson of the day. Now I had to go and see my brothers. To see their reactions. I've been trying to avoid them all day and it's worked but I have to go home and I can't avoid them there, especially if I'm in a car with them.

I got up and grabbed my bag. I took my time walking to the car, it was a nice day outside so maybe I could walk home. But when I got home they would want to speak to me no matter what, so maybe I should just deal with it and get it over and done with. I looked around and saw Isaac and Jacob heading over.

At least Jacob would stick up for me and would make sure that they wouldn't be too harsh. They have no right to be harsh anyway, I'm allowed a boyfriend and it definitely isn't the end of the world even if they think that it is. Jacob unlocked the car and I got in the back.

Isaac got in the passenger seat and looked at me.

"Layla, before you think I'm mad or something I'm really not, I have no reason to be mad you're allowed to live your life how you want, but you are my little sister and it's going to be weird to see you with a boy, and with everything that's happened I'm going to be a little protective but I'm not going to be a nightmare. I promise, also I'm a little hurt you told tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb before you told me."

I laughed a little at his response and I did feel a wave of relief sweep over me. I smiled at him and nodded. Now we just had to wait for Micheal and Alfie.

Micheal would be mad that I didn't tell him, I was mostly worried about Alfie, he has the same amount of scariness that Alex has, so I definitely wasn't ready to see his reaction especially after how Alex reacted.

Micheal got in the car and sat next to me in the middle, which gave me the hint that he wasn't that mad at me which made me happy because if he was mad and upset with me then I definitely knew that I was in the wrong.

I gave him a hug. "I'm sorry for not telling you about Caleb, i have no excuse for not telling you about it because I know you and I know you wouldn't be mad at me because you couldn't." I gave him a smile and I saw him trying to resist giving me one back but it didn't work and I saw him smile.

He gave me a hug and now I only had to deal with Alfie, but I had the rest of my brothers on my side so I'm sure his reaction won't be as bad as Alex's but I also know it won't be as easy as Micheal.

Alfie got into the car and he didn't seem mad or anything, he looked at me and smiles which made me confused. I thought he would be at least mad for me not telling him and him finding out the way that he did but I guess I was wrong.

"You're not mad?" I asked looking at him confused.

"What am I meant to be mad at you for? For having a boyfriend? Just don't get hurt by him please and also don't get pregnant because we're already going to have two screaming babies in the house thanks to this one." He messed with Isaac's hair.

"Wait how far along is Laura?" Micheal asked.

"She's about 4 1/2 months, so she's half way there which is a relief but don't tell her that I said that because she might kill me."

We all laughed when we heard the panic in his voice. Laura was really sweet but with the pregnancy hormones one little thing could set her off big time. Micheal ate her chocolate once and I've never seen someone be so upset about a piece of food.

"Are you going to find out the genders of the babies?" I asked, I really wanted two nieces.

"Laura wants to but I like the idea of surprise."

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