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the gremlins

yerimiese would you like me to take it off right now and mail it to you?

_imyour_joy ..... it's my favourite top

yerimiese i'll wash it, fold it and put it back in your closet ok? chill sis, chill

renebaebae yeri are you coming back for dinner cause we'll order something

_imyour_joy yh that's fine

yerimiese probs not, mark and haechan just got here

renebaebae ok don't be too late

ok so me and like yuta and doyoung are coming around later, brush your teeth cause sis last time i almost passed out

i love you but i'm gonna punch you so hard when you get here

you and what bones?

just bring me some bubble tea and i won't have to embarrass you in front of your members

aha jokes on you, i embarrass myself in front of them daily

ok bye

me and the boys were thinking of coming around but not if irene is there cause tae is like really upset about seeing her the other day but he still wants to visit you ...

yh ok, irene unnie is staying home right now anyway, so it should be fine

i'll let him know

is he still finding it all too difficult?

yeah, he came home and was talking about how stunning she looked but she didn't spare him a glance 🤷🏻‍♂️

she's acting like she's fine but she hasn't talked about the break up since it happened and that's really bad for her

have you tried asking her?

she's a pretty sensitive person so we don't really wanna push her to talk right now

we can talk more when we get there, you want us to bring anything?

bubble tea with pearls


oh also johnny and a few of them are gonna be here

see ya in a bit ❤️❤️

byeeee ❤️

you can not tell me santa isn't a pedophile, i sent you a powerpoint and you're still arguing against me

ok first of all, it's really weird you had that powerpoint
seconds, santa just isn't a pedophile.. like at all
and third, are you ok?

you can argue all you want but the evidence is there
and of course im ok, why?

hobi told me you're a bit upset

... well i was
but im not thinking about her anymore
fuck i am now

tae i know it's really difficult, you two were together for a really long time
but if this is what she wanted then.. you need to accept it

i have accepted it, but im just so sad without her
it's only been a month
i just need time

mhm, and we're all here for you 💕


jungkook keeps messaging me and asking about yeri, i'm not good with this stuff, can't you just talk to him?

hm well he's coming here in a bit and so are johnny, yuta and doyoung
you should come and we can talk about everything

yeah ok
like i love him
but he just needs to tell her

😂 well they're both kind of immature
they like each other and just can't understand it

yup, i talked to yeri before and she was asking about him
i was just like 'go aSk hIM yoURSelf he wAnTs to taLK To yOU' 🤦🏻‍♂️

ahaha, they'll get there eventually
i hope

i'm gonna send you the demo and tell me how it sounds after i added your vocals cause i think it sounds amazing but just to be sure

yeah ok, i bet it sounds great with the music don't worry

mhm, our producer is thinking about putting it on the album as like an 'extra' or something

aww that's sweet
are you coming with the others?

aa nope sorry, i've got tons to do

... okaayyyyy

sorry :(

it's fine, i just haven't seen you in ages

i know, i really wanted to come but a lot of stuff popped up ..

it's fine really, but make sure to come at some point

of course i willlllllll

ok good

i really hope you get well soon

thanks yoongs :))


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