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did you get a chance to tell her??? i'm literally freaking out our manager wants to talk in like 5 minutes

no i didn't get a chance to, she didn't show up yesterday after meeting with jimin's manager

do you think they told her?

she seemed fine when i saw her this morning? maybe they didn't

i tried telling her yesterday but i chickened out
i wasn't exactly sure how to tell her

yeah i was so nervous about telling her
she was actually mad at me yesterday when i told her to just fucking tell everyone about her and jimin

shit he's calling us over
i'll tell you what happens

ok talk in a bit 💚

yh bye 🖤💗

i'm so sorry i couldn't make it yesterday, the thing with jimin's manager took longer than i thought it would

it's totally fine
is everything ok?

yeah of course
everything ok with you?

what did you talk about with his manager

oh i just waited outside while jimin and the others talked about something with him

do you know what it was about?

nope, it seemed intense though
and afterwards jimin seemed to be in a pretty bad mood and left our date early :(

oh that's too bad :(

listening 🙃


.... ¿?



can i see you now?

ahh im actually about to leave for a nails appointment and then i have to go to the hairdressers

oh ok

i can meet you tomorrow morning?

yeah ok
see you then

ok ❤️

seul i really do love you, you know?

ofc i know

i'd hate seeing you upset

... okay...

ok i'll see you tomorrow then

ok bye .. again😂


city of crack
notjaehyunjung ok it isn't even funny taeyong hyung get out of the toilet we're all outside waiting and mark's about to wet himself

marklee.99 oi

notjaehyunjung am i wrong?

marklee.99 ..... no
hyung get out

you're acting like we only have one toilet in this dorm

angel_taeil winnie's using the other one

.. ok and why aren't you annoying him

_kingyuta cause he's winwin???

all_idois_winwin ☺️

fine give me a second

toyoung you know how small mark's bladder is

marklee.99 guys

just use the one in the dreamies dorm

yoursun_chan coming down here would be the biggest mistake in the world

johnny.suh do we wanna know?

yoursun_chan no

johnny.suh ok
taeyong get out


junguwu should we move away from the door?

toyoung probably, remember last time?

ok for the last time winwin passed out cause he was anemic not cause of the smell

all_idois_winwin um no actually

ohmygod ok move then

_kingyuta ayyy we hear that flush my guy👏👏

what're you talking about? that doesn't make any sense????? who told you that anyway was it one of the members?

yh it was lisa, i asked jennie and she said it was true
their manager is talking to them now

jimin wouldn't do something like that
and why would bighit make him?

i really don't know
we'll just have to see what happens

i'm really scared
what do we do if they agree?

im sure they won't
but if they do for some reason, we'll just have to be there for her

thanks for letting me know
i'll tell the others

i have to go now
make sure to eat 💚

yh ok, bye💕

ew im gonna be a whole ass 18 year old this year
i want death

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