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Liked by yoursun_chan, todayis_wendy, all_idois_winwin and 9,890,882 others

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Liked by yoursun_chan, todayis_wendy, all_idois_winwin and 9,890,882 others

marklee.99_ best friend then, best friend now, best friend always 💚

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yoursun_chan what am i then? a potato?
junguwu dont come for my brand hoe
yoursun_chan you came for my confident gay brand
junguwu touché

yerimiese awwwwww cute/ewwwwww cheesy - which one ?🧐 just kidding, i love youuu 💜💜
  marklee.99_ lol 💚

notjaehyunjung my favourite best friend duo
  yoursun_chan okay, im clearly his best friend
yerimiese hmm 🙇🏻‍♀️


notjaehyunjung it's really mature of you to do this mark, it's gonna be ok

ass crack
angel_taeil you guys aren't even trying with this chat name anymore

99 line superior headassery
yuqi.gidle yukhei shut the fUCK UP before i expose your soup snorting ass on this chat jesus chRIST BOI

kookie.97 i really appreciate you telling me to get my shit together that day, you're a great guy mark

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