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goodluck, from what i've heard she's pretty pissed

thanks bro really
I needed to know that
not like im already fucking nervous about telling her about such a personal part of my life

yeah ok, sorry
but you know seul
she'll understand

you just said she was pissed

yeah but it's seul

ok, i'll tell you what happens

you chose the wrong time of the month for this talk chim, but have fun!

nice, I love all the encouragement i'm receiving

aw, don't worry she's acting more pissed than she is
she really just misses you

I miss her too, like a fuck ton

ok, then there's nothing to be nervous about
i'm still not too sure what the reason behind everything you did was since irene unnie didn't tell us, but knowing seul, she'll understand

I know, she's an amazing person
ok, i'll update you afterwards

ok, good luck!!

jin swallowed a beetle

then don't do things you'll get bullied for

I've literally never ate a beetle, like ever

hmm true
well then there's no way out if this bullying really

hey guys, just thought to let you know i'm gonna tell her

oh shit ok

it's big part of your life, she'll understand why you did what you did

yeah I know she will

well, good luck then
it'll be ok

thanks guys, talk in a bit

so you're telling her? good luck with that and everything that'll come after it 😕

and you don't have to worry

what do you mean?

I mean that i'll make sure to handle it so you and your girls wont be affected
just trust me

please be careful with how you do this
and I know seulgi will understand everything, so tell me how we'll go about our break up

ok we can discuss that in detail afterwards

mhm, seriously though, it's all gonna be alright
you two are literally fated to be together lmao

ahaha, thanks
talk later


now you want to explain? ok im listening

I know you're mad at me
but please listen to everything I have to say with an open mind
there's a lot of explaining I have to do that I didn't have the confidence to do before

ok, i'm all ears
I won't interrupt you so just tell me everything

many years ago, when I was 15/16, I was a really reckless person
or teen I guess, I had barely become a person yet
I was thoughtless back then and I did a lot of things I've never been proud of and I have never wanted anyone to know what kind of person I was back then
not even you, or my members


among the mistakes I made, there was one thing that I've never been able to forgive myself for
I got a girl pregnant


we were both so young, it was stupid but we did it
and I got her pregnant
when she told me, obviously I freaked out
I wanted to be there for her but we were only 16, what could I have done for her?
I had basically ruined her life, since she came from a really conservative family
we had no idea what to do


but I knew I was gonna stay with her for this child, which we had made, together
we startred making all of these plans, but
we lost the baby

holy shit

yeah... she was 2 months in when it happened
her family never found out and neither did mine
we stayed together until she had to move away a few months later
and I never heard from her again

i'm so sorry, I had no idea

the reason i'm telling you all of this is because
some bastards at yg found out all of this
through school records and hospital records
they found her and got her to tell them everything in detail
they began blackmailing us, saying I had to have some sort of scandal with a blackpink member since they were losing relevancy in korea
so that's why we had to confirm our relationship, even though we'd never spoken to each other before
that's why all of this happened

im so fucking pissed off

you're still mad at me

of course not
I can never be mad at you for something like this
yg can go stick a cactus up his asshole
can't you take legal action?

yeah we were going to
but I don't know
it'll harm the reputation of every artist under yg if they get sued for blackmail
I can't do that to all of them who haven't done anything wrong

oh jimin :(
I love you so much

I love you too
I really really do love you
im sorry for hurting you
I wanted to explain straight away but there was so much chaos
around me and in my mind
I couldn't think straight
but I've missed you so much, I don't think I can live without you anymore

you're an amazing guy jimin
we're gonna figure this out
i'll be with you through all of this

thanks seulgi
namjoon hyung and seokjin hyung have been trying to come to an agreement with the higher ups about the way to approach all of this

ok, first of all
you need to tell your company about our relationship

our relationship?
you're taking me back

of course I am

thank fuck
I love you

I love you too
ok enough sappiness, we have to think about how to get out of this

let's think

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