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ok that was such a tease, i can't even like or comment on a picture i took, i dont even get credit 😤

well.. i did credit my secret admirer:)

yeaahhh but i don't exactly admire you in secret do i 😳

are we still up for coffee this afternoon?

yes obviously, but we have to stop by the studio first, our manager wanted to talk about something

hmm is it ok for me to be there?

of course, he actually told me to bring you so 🤷🏻‍♂️ we'll see what it's about

okie, i have to go see wendy now
meet you in a bit love 💓

can't wait to see you 😘😘😘

that is so funny lmao, don't act like me pointing it out didn't make it exciting 🥵 like no one was even noticing

well why does it matter if they did or didn't?
it was just meant to be a little joke for people that know

half of the industry knows at this point seul
why don't you two just confirm it already?

we're waiting for the right time actually

it's been years, aren't you frustrated?
because it gets frustrating watching you two hide it all the time

... why're you being like this?

i'm not being like anything
im your friend
i don't want to see you hurt or unhappy
you never know what could happen, in my opinion it would just be best to reveal it already

well it's not your relationship taeyong

yeah clearly
i would of announced it ages ago, hiding isn't how a relationship works

ok i don't really know why you're saying of this all of a sudden
but don't forget you're my friend, and not acting like it right now

yeah i know
i'm sorry seul, i'm really stressed out at the minute

ok, well i'm here for you
we can talk about it if you want?

that would actually be really nice
when're you free?

right now i have to see wendy, then jimin, and then i'll be in the practice room
so around 8

ok i'll be there
i'm seriously sorry, i dont know why i was saying that stuff

it's ok yongie, see you in a bit ❣️

yeah see you💚

the gremlins

renebaebae i have to see him today and honestly i'm really nervous, what am i gonna say? do i have to do this?

todayis_wendy ok so what is it you have to see him for?

_imyour_joy yh if it's like a short meeting then don't stress too much

renebaebae well, him and some other guys from groups like monsta x, seventeen, got7 and others are doing some sort of collaboration on something
i have to interview them

yerimiese well shit

renebaebae yup

todayis_wendy ok don't start stressing out
guys where are you all

aa i'm about to go meet jimin and i can't cancel last minute:(

renebaebae it's fine, don't worry
it's fine guys, really

_imyour_joy nope
i'm coming back
yeri you are too

yerimiese yes ma'am
we'll order food and talk about this

shit i'm really sorry i can cancel on him it's not a big deal

renebaebae nono, you go enjoy your date
and thanks guys i really appreciate it

yerimiese of course, you're always dealing with our shit

renebaebae yeah honestly that's really true

_imyour_joy 🤦🏻‍♀️

you guys are seriously not revealing it yet? how long has it beeeeen omg i would not be able to hide it for so long 😂

well we're not really hiding, just kind of waiting for the right time

hmm i feel that
but it's just i've been hearing some things so idk

what've you been hearing

well, just some rumours that've been floating around our company

.. like what👀

well, apparently we're not getting a comeback for whiiiiiiiileeeeeee

and... sooo... 😅

supposedly, the head is gonna pull something in order to keep us relevant but we don't actually know

... like a scandal...¿
what does that have to do with jimin and me?

ahh i don't know, it's just weird
i don't know i just thought i'd tell you
okie i have to go now anyway
we'll talk later 👅👅

oh ok suree
talk later bub 🥵🥵

something is seriously up with taeyong... he's acting so weird we don't know what to do about him 🤨

what do you mean?

well he's been getting mad at all of us for the smallest things and it's causing a lot of tension
he obviously isn't ever like this..

he did tell me he was a little stressed?

trust me seul, we've seen him stressed
this is something else, but we don't know how to approach him about it

well him and i are meeting later and talking about stuff, maybe i'll be able to see what's up

could you please let one of us know? we're constantly avoiding anything incase it triggers him  😬

yeah of course 🤍

thanks seul, you're literally the best 💚💚


hello i realised i eat a lot for someone who feels sick 24/7
ok bye now

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