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i'm so sorry about the way they're behaving, i'm truly sorry. me and jin are sorting it now with the company

it's alright really, maybe I even deserve it

no you don't

either way, it'll just seem suspicious if you deal with it, no one knows about tae and me remember?

well, are you at least considering taking some legal action?

i'm not sure yet

it's up to you, but me and the boys are with you 100%
people who treat other artist like that shouldn't be considered our fans

thanks namjoon, I really appreciate it

of course

the gremlins

someone needs to come hold me back from tracking down every last one of the bastards that's commenting shit on your post

I can't believe they're behaving like that

guys leave it
stop wasting time thinking about this and focus on practising

how can we do that when you're making us worry so much?

what do you mean?

you haven't had a proper meal all day
you left this morning and haven't returned any of our calls
you were in your room since seeing him the other day
it's hard seeing you like this

we love you
we want to tell you that we're here for you like you're always here for us

please don't push us away
come home

we know you're crying, and we know where you are
but we're giving you the space you need
when you want, come home and cry on our shoulders instead

im sick of seeing you get hated on for every little thing you do

you know we all think you need to take legal action but that's up to you in the end

just come home now, it's freezing outside

what a fucked up fandom

don't say that

why not? they're giving you so much shit
just because you didn't ask their precious baby any questions in an interview with like 10 other guys

honestly tae, it's ok

it's not
the others aren't here right now, so it's quiet if you want to come talk
seul told me you aren't home

thanks I really appreciate it, but I just need a little bit longer by myself

ok, just tell me if you're coming
i'll make some coffee

I love you ❤️

I love you too, seriously💚
you're a great person and always will be no matter what others say

jesus christ you'd think you went into their homes and murdered their cats or something
are you ok?

not really, I just don't understand why everything I do or don't do becomes such an issue

because you're a pretty girl, who doesn't take peoples shit and is successful

thanks nayeon

just stating facts
has the company offered to take legal action against the commenters?

yeah, i'm considering it

have you talked to tae about it?

not really
but namjoon told me they don't consider those that hate on others for no reason true fans

hmm ok
shit I have to go drop jihyo off at daniel's again, talk later angel💓

ok, love you

ffs where are you right now? let me come hug you

aw you're so cute

im not cute
i'm pissed
why're they all acting like that?

because I didn't ask taehyung any questions during that interview

ahh I see
what're you gonna do?

well right now, i'm gonna go home probably

ok, i'm gonna drop off some food rosie's mum made
make sure to eat it

yeah ok, see you then

see you, love you honey


oh hi

how are you?

im fine, you?

I know you're not
where are you?

taehyung, it's ok

no it's not
I want to talk to you

well we don't have much to talk about anymore

why do you act like that towards me?



we aren't together anymore
we aren't friends anymore
we're nothing to each other anymore

don't say that
you're always going to be a precious person to me
you were a big part of my life
even if I can't hug you, kiss you or talk to you so late at night you fall asleep and I can hear you snoring
i'm always going to care for you because you're juhyun
you're the girl who made me laugh when I couldn't cope anymore
everything about you is amazing and beautiful

you don't mean that

yes I do, of course I do
i'm not the one that broke up with you...

i'm sorry

you never even told me why

I broke up with you because
it was too risky

what do you mean?

you guys blew up, you're fans are like the entire world population
how many of them would actually support us if we ever got found out?
how many of them would spare my members the disgusting words that are being flooded in my messages right now?
i'm the leader, i'm their older sister
I couldn't put them through all of that
I thought I regretted doing what I did, but the way i'm being treated after such a small mistake? it proves any association with you would just do my group harm


I wanted to stay friends
but I can't do that
because I still love you but I shouldn't

I still love you too
I really do

but we can't be together anymore, it won't do either of our groups any good

but what about us?
I haven't been the same since you broke up with me
I can't be the same
I miss you

yall im crying my cat took a shit in my school bag

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