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Liked by joon_nam, kookie

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Liked by joon_nam, kookie.97, todayis_wendy and 3,896,589 others

_taetae_95 i wish you would look at me the same way you did before

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kookie.97 photo creds? 😤😤😤😤
              _taetae_95 maybe if it was a good photo i'd credit you 😛
              kookie.97 well it was good enough for you to post 😚
          _taetae_95 😳😳

_handsomejin_ you look good 👏


97linerislegend woahwoah what's with that caption
                  bangpd.sugardadi i was literally gonna ask the same think lmao
                   jungkook_jungle.book who could this even be about??????? i wanna KNWO SO BAAADDD 😬😬😬


seokjin wore a thong
_handsomejin_ hobi if you don't change the name of the chat i'll throw my shoe at you like deadass it...

kookie.97 so she completely ignored you? like she didn't even ask you the questions in the script or a...

todayis_wendy ok it looks bad but it's the first time she's had to talk to you after the break up so it...

johnny.suh i heard about what happened and i'm not sure how what to say but she felt awful about i...

yerimiese she really does miss you, i can tell. have you just tried talking to her? like dm her or somet...

_handsomejin_ tae we know you're upset but please just come home, it's late and you need to eat...


im drinking red bull at 5 am hi

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