2 Years Later

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Dec 22, 2016

So it's been 2 years since Yoongi went away to prison for murdering Kim Yoo-suk. I visited him often and updated him on how things were with our friends, which was now titled as "The BTS Boys", but I was never allowed to touch Yoongi lovingly as he doesn't want the inmates to know he was gay. Yoongi often tells me about the recent bullying him and the inmates do to Yugyeom since he's been in there, I can't help but smile.


I was leaving my apartment, oh yeah, Namjoon moved in with Jin and gave me his apartment, anyway, I was leaving my apartment to go pick Yoongi up from prison as today was the day he was being released for good behavior...Minus all the torment he's caused Yugyeom. I locked the apartment and headed down the stairs where I was met with the parking lot where my red dodge neon sat, my mother had given me her car since dad got her a new one for their anniversary last year, I went to the car and got in, buckling up and starting the car up before pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the prison

Upon arriving the place was very bare and quiet, the only people I saw were a few guards at the gate and inside the prison gates at the door to the prison, I gulped lightly as I pulled up to the gate and rolled my window down as an officer came over "What do you want?" The guard spat "U-uh...I'm picking up a prisoner, Min Yoongi" I gripped the steering wheel lightly as I felt nerves tugging at me "Hm, go right in and head through those doors" The guard pointed to the door being blocked by another guard, I nodded silently and rolled my window up as the guard motioned to the other guy to open the gate

I drove into the prison cautiously and parked by a pole quite a few feet from the door. I got out, dusted myself off and headed to the blocked door nervously "Pickup?" The guard asked blankly, I was tempted to make a stupid joke but held it in and just nodded. The guard stepped aside and opened the door for me "Go ahead" I bowed slightly "Thank you" I hurried inside the door and let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding

I headed down the long, bland hallway before coming to an open space with a cutout in the wall with a window in it and a person in the room behind the glass "Um, hello?" I stepped up to the glass and the person inside turned to me "I need to see some ID" The lady deadpanned, I stood there for a moment before quickly getting my wallet out and pulling up my ID "Park Jimin, I'm here to get Min Yoongi" I spoke carefully, the lady looked over my ID through the glass then nodded and pointed to the door on the other side of the window cutout in the wall "Straight through there. An officer will guide you to the cell" I nodded once more and went through the door once she buzzed it open

I was met with a very tall officer who nudged his head before walking, I hurried along to keep up with him. It wasn't long before we came to rows of cells and once the men in the cells saw me they started to whistle, today was not the day to wear short shorts...

The officer stopped walking in front of a certain cell and tapped the bars with the keys "Get up, time to go" The officer started unlocking the cell, Yoongi, who was laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, sat up and smiled when seeing me "Hey" He hopped off the bed and headed to the door which was opened now, I smiled at Yoongi who went to hug me when the officer stopped him by placing his hand on Yoongi's chest "What the fuck?" Yoongi looked at the officer who nudged his head to the hallway we came from "Go get your stuff" I stared at the officer who was very rude, but I guess it's his job? I smiled softly at Yoongi "I'll wait for you outside" I waved at Yoongi before trecking back through the halls to the parking lot where I leaned against my car to wait

After a good 20 minute wait, the door opened and Yoongi came waltzing out, a smirk on his face as he was staring into my soul. I gulped softly and stood up straight from leaning on the car "Are you happy to be free again?" I asked but Yoongi didn't answer, he dropped the small brown bag of his things just as he was stood in front of me then stepped closer till I was leaning on the car once more "Yoongi?" I bit my lip which Yoongi took notice of before leaning in and roughly kissing me on the lips "Mm!" I widened my eyes, it's been 2 years since Yoongi and I shared any kisses or touches of any kind, I was a little rusty

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now