Bruised & Hospitalized

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May 26, 2017

I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. I looked around slowly and noticed nobody was in the room, what happened? I thought back, trying to remember why I was in the hospital. It suddenly hit me, of course, I was stupid and got in a fight with the suspect who might have shot Jimin, I might have beaten an innocent person to death...wait a minute, where was Jimin?

I reached for the IV in my hand and pulled it out before taking the rest of the wires off of my body to sit up freely, I had to find Jimin, he was supposed to be here...

Before I could properly get out of the hospital bed the door to the room opened and in came Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook with Minja in his arms "Yoongi?!" Jimin shouted and rushed over once he noticed me "What are you doing?!" Jimin put his hand on my shoulder to make me stay put "I...I was gonna go find you, you weren't here..." I willingly laid back down in the bed while turning my attention to Taehyung and Jungkook "Taehyung, I remember you helping me when I came into the hospital, thank you" Taehyung smiled a bit and nodded "Don't worry about it, Yoongi"

Jimin pulled a chair up to the side of my bed and sat down "Yoongi, tell me what happened" Jimin said sternly as he kept his eyes on me "I...I got a lead on who might have shot you and I went against your wishes and did something stupid" I mumbled, keeping my eyes down to avoid looking at Jimin "You did what?!" Jimin's voice raised drastically but before I could respond Jungkook spoke up "Wait a minute, what do you mean you got a lead?" Jimin and I both looked at Jungkook

I sighed deeply and looked back down at my lap "I went to my father for help on finding the shooter..." Jungkook's eyes widened and he walked over to the other side of my bed "Yoongi, that was the stupidest thing you could do, why would you go and ask for his help?" Jungkook was obviously worried about this but all I could do was shrug "Wait, I'm so lost" Taehyung cut in as he was literally dizzy with everything going on right now

"Yoongi's father is in the Mafia and hasn't been a part of Yoongi's life at all. Yoongi's mother died of cancer after removing herself and Yoongi from the household with his father. Yoongi hasn't spoken to his father since and to my knowledge he never wanted to" Jungkook explained to Taehyung "I still didn't want to, but he was the only one I thought of who could maybe help" I cut in while looking between Jungkook and Taehyung

"Well anyway, Yoongi apparently asked his father for help and they found a suspect of the shooting?" Jungkook finished his speech and looked at me with furrowed brows. I nodded and looked back at Jimin "I'm sorry I went without talking to you first...I...I think I killed him" I bit the inside of my cheek after the words left my mouth "Ok! We're leaving Jungkook!" Taehyung spoke up and rushed over to Jungkook to grab his arm "I can't let us be a part of this" Taehyung added as he tried to get Jungkook to follow him "Tae, cut it out, Yoongi needs us" Jungkook passed Minja to Taehyung and sat down in the love seat behind him "Continue" Jungkook spoke softly, Taehyung groaned but plopped down beside Jungkook with Minja in his arms

"What the hell do you mean you might have killed him!?" Jimin suddenly spoke up after being in shock from the news "I mean...I went to his location at this motel in the small town just outside Seoul and the motel was surrounded by woods. I took him to the back of the motel into the woods a good way before we got into a fight when I left I don't think he was breathing..." Jimin stood up and paced the room with his fingers on the bridge of his nose " just got out of prison only a few months ago and you go and beat a person to death who could have been innocent?" Jimin looked up at me and I nodded slowly "You didn't see him though, he looked like a criminal, I think it really was the shooter" I tried to defend my actions but Jimin sighed deeply and came back to his chair

"Yoongi, this isn't good. We need to go back and check on him to make sure he isn't dead" Jimin looked to Jungkook who nodded in agreement "I think that's the right choice" Jungkook looked to me "Well...we can" I looked between Jimin and Jungkook. We stayed in silence for a moment before Taehyung piped up "Ok, well, I think we should go" Taehyung patted Jungkook's leg who nodded "Ok, I'm coming. Y'all don't need me to come with you right?" Jungkook looked at me and Jimin, we both shook our heads so Jungkook nodded and followed Taehyung to the door

"Uh, Jungkook!" I called out which made Jungkook stop in his tracks and turn to face me "Hm?" Jungkook raised his brow "What were y'all doing in the hospital anyway?" I asked in confusion "Oh, Minja had a problem we wanted to get checked out, she would get these spells of breathing heavily after doing a minor thing and we found out she has a weak heart" Jungkook explained, "Oh, I'm sorry..." I mumbled but Jungkook shrugged it off "We've already discussed this and it's nothing serious" Jungkook smiled "We'll see y'all later" Jungkook added with a wave before leaving with Taehyung

After Jungkook and Taehyung left I turned my attention back to Jimin "You're lucky you can get out tomorrow. In the meantime I'm gonna go to that motel and see if I can find the guy" Jimin stood up from his chair "Jimin, you don't know where I took him" I watched Jimin near the door and stop "I'm sure I can find him, you just rest" Jimin left the room, leaving me alone

-(Jimin's POV)

I left the hospital and got into my car, immediately seeing the papers in the passenger seat along with Yoongi's phone. I reached over and got the papers, studying it "Jackson Wang...Hmm" I noticed the address and put it into GPS before putting the car in drive and following the GPS to the address

It wasn't but about an hour before I pulled into the motel and parked the car, I got out and headed up the flight of stairs to the room 226 which was the number on the paper. I knocked softly a couple of times but nobody answered, I tried peeking into the window but it was too dark "Hmm...maybe he really is dead" I gulped before turning away from the door and trecking back down the flight of stairs before heading around the motel and going into the woods

I walked a good way before coming to an area that looked like a scuffle broke out, blood splatters littered the ground in places and the ground was all scuffed up but there was nobody in sight dead or alive "If he's not dead, where did he go?" I looked around me cautiously before turning around and running back to my car as fast as my legs could carry me. Quickly I leaped into the car and locked the doors before starting the car up and making my way back to the main town

Once I made it back into the city limits I pulled over and pulled up my phone, I pulled up the local news and didn't see anything about a body found or a severely beaten person admitted into the hospital except for Yoongi "Wait..." I grabbed the paper and read over it again "Of course he wouldn't go to a hospital! He's a gang member, he wouldn't allow his identity to be known just because he was beaten! Which means" I bit my lip hopefully "He won't be going to the cops about Yoongi" I smiled to myself and put the paper down before getting back on the road "One thing for sure, Yoongi can't know he's still living" I made up my mind, I wasn't gonna tell Yoongi he was alive so he would stop stressing about this


Jimin came back into my hospital room 2 hours later "Jimin" I sat up better in my bed as Jimin walked over and sat beside the bed "I went out there and found him...there was hardly anything left, the animals were apparently hungry" Jimin covered his mouth to hold back vomit "Jimin, I'm so sorry" I looked down, I honestly regretted my decision. Jimin stood up and leaned over the side of the bed to hug me tightly "I'm just glad you're ok" Jimin mumbled as he hugged me, I slowly hugged back, eyes wide with shock from this sudden change in mood "I won't do anything like this again" I whispered but Jimin shook his head and pulled away "Don't promise me anything if you can't keep it" Jimin pointed at me "I really mean it this time" I wasn't lying, I was sure I wouldn't do this again since the shooter was taken care of. Jimin smiled and leaned down, kissing me lovingly as a thank you

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now