Here's The Tea

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March 3, 2017

2 Months later and I was still sneaking off to see my father about the case, this time around, however, he told me something that pissed me off

"The case has run cold, we have no leads. We're still gonna try though, don't worry, but for the time being, we have nothing more to update you on"

I opened the door to Jimin's apartment and slammed the door shut behind me making Jimin jump and drop his coffee cup he was holding "Oh my God!" He shouted as he turned to face me from his place in the kitchen "Yoongi what the hell?" Jimin placed his hand on his chest as he was trying to calm down from the big scare I had given him "I'm sorry..." I exhaled and headed to the couch

Jimin followed me and stared at me "Yoongi, is everything ok?" Jimin walked over and sat beside me on the couch "I can't talk about it right now" I stood up and headed to the kitchen to clean up the broken mug and spilled coffee. Jimin followed me into the kitchen and leaned against the counter "Yoongi, please don't lie to me anymore" Jimin sighed sadly, I looked over my shoulder at him "What?" I looked confused "I know you've been lying to me of where you keep running off to, who is this friend you keep going to see?" I looked down at the broken mug as I was still picking up pieces

"Jimin I...I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be mad about it" I spoke softly "How would you know unless you've tried? Is there someone else?" Jimin sounded like he was about to break into tears, I stood up immediately and faced Jimin "No. No, there isn't anybody else, I would nev...ver" I trailed off as I was speaking, did I have feelings for Jimin?

Jimin waited for me to continue, arms crossed and his eyes glossy "Jimin, if you really want to know then I'll tell you, but I can assure you it's nobody I would ever sleep with-" I shuddered at the mere thought "I want to know where you keep going" Jimin said firmly, I nodded in response before exhaling and leading Jimin back to the couch

"Well...Jimin...the place I'm going is actually a rundown piece of crap apartment building" I rubbed the back of my hand nervously with my other hand "Why?" Jimin asked with confusion on his face "To see my...father. He's in a Mafia gang and I asked for his help to locate the person who shot you" Jimin opened his mouth to say something but I covered his mouth quickly "Let me finish. The case ran cold today after going for 2 months but they're still gonna try to locate the shooter and..." I lowered my hand from Jimin's mouth as I suddenly felt saddened about the fact the shooter is running loose and angry that he was. Jimin closed his mouth and studied me for a moment instead of trying to ream me out about this whole situation "Yoongi, what's wrong?" Jimin asked softly

"I...I don't want to lose you Jimin, this bastard is still out there and I don't know if he's still gonna try and hurt you, I don't know what to do" I felt my eyes stinging with tears, Jimin bit his lip and grabbed my hand tightly "No one is taking me away from you. Wait, is this you admitting you have feelings for me?"

I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with Jimin as I thought about it, what was I trying to hide from? Would it be the end of the world if I did have feelings for him? I looked up at Jimin and nodded "Yes. This is me saying; I love you Jimin, I love you so so much and I have hella feelings for you" I swallowed the nervous lump that formed in my throat

Jimin smiled brightly and wrapped his arms around me tightly before pressing our lips together firmly and passionately "You just made me the happiest boy alive. I love you so much Yoongi. In fact...shouldn't we celebrate?~" Jimin purred into my ear and gently grazed his teeth over my earlobe


Jimin laid on top of me in our bed after we had sex, both of us still coming down from our highs "Yoongi? Yoongi are you listening to me?" I came out of my thoughts as Jimin's voice rang out "Huh?" I looked down at him "What the hell are you thinking about?" Jimin sat up, sitting on my stomach as he looked down at me, his hands on my chest "I'm sorry, I was...I was thinking about childhood" I mumbled, Jimin looked confused "Really? Right after sex?" Jimin looked a little disgusted "No, not because of the sex, I was just...I don't know, I blocked a lot out and for some reason, it's all flooding back to me. God, I had such a sucky childhood" I covered my face and groaned, I felt Jimin lay back down on top of me before he moved my hands off my face "Tell me about it"

I looked at Jimin "What? Why?" I felt a little blush on my cheeks, I've never told anyone about my childhood except for Jungkook but that was because he was a big part of it "We're together, there's no reason to go through this pain by yourself. I wanna be able to make you feel better" Jimin rubbed my chest gently before pecking my cheek lovingly, I thought about it then looked back at Jimin

"Ok, I'll tell you"

Jimin sat up and positioned himself beside me, legs crisscrossed as he was ready for me to tell him about my past, he was probably curious as he's only known what he knows because it's what I let him know about me

"Well...I was born into the Mafia. My father is a Mafia man who fell for my mother. Once my father found out my mother was pregnant he married her, their marriage was crap and I always knew from a young age that they didn't really love each other, my mother was the only one who paid any attention to me..." I exhaled softly as I started, Jimin sat silently and patiently 

"My father was gone a lot thanks to the Mafia, I was glad about that because my father was abusive, if not physically then mentally. When I was 10 I met Jungkook, he was a neighbor and he wouldn't leave me alone when I asked him to and eventually, I realized I had a friend for the first time in my life" Jimin looked stunned and held his finger up to try and say something but I held my hand up to keep him quiet

"Over the years though, I felt differently about Jungkook, and I'm sorry to tell you this but, Jungkook and I had a fling...we never slept together, it was just occasional kissing" Jimin covered his mouth and looked a little betrayed but he didn't say anything

"When I was 15 my mother got cancer and my father wanted nothing to do with her or me so my mother took me and we moved far away, Jungkook would still come to visit with me and he helped me through my moms cancer, even when she passed that SOB could have cared less, he never even came to the funeral" I felt my eyes sting as I remembered my mother, Jimin held back his own feelings and placed his hand on mine

"Jungkook was the only thing I had, I tried to hold onto him and keep him for myself that it became unhealthy, so unhealthy that I failed school and that's why I was still in school at age 21 2 years ago...Hobi felt bad for me, that's why he failed and stuck around with me" I sniffled to keep my tears in so I didn't look weak in front of Jimin but he reached up and wiped my tears that slipped from my eyes "That sounds like Hobi" Jimin smiled, trying to lighten the mood, I smiled a bit as well but it faded quickly as I continued

"My failing in school wasn't all about my unhealthy attachment to Jungkook, it was also because I was more focused on basketball and a job that I just didn't care about school...Jungkook helped me though, that's why I have such a strong connection with him, and I know you've been curious about that because I've seen the way you look after I interact with him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" I looked at Jimin sadly, regretting the fact I never told him "That's ok you...still have feelings for Jungkook?" Jimin bit his lip nervously

I looked down and thought about it "Jimin...I don't want to lie to you so I won't. I do still have feelings for Jungkook, but there's nothing that will come out of it because he's married to the man he loves and I have stronger feelings for you" I looked up at Jimin who looks like he was fixing to break down "Jimin..." I sighed and reached out to take his hand but he quickly pulled away and got off the bed where he pulled his clothes on quickly "Jimin what are you doing?" I bit the inside of my cheek worriedly

"How can I be with you when you still have feelings for one of our friends? What's gonna happen when you or Jungkook both fuck up and end up having an affair with each other? I can't take the risk of you two getting back together behind my back or Taehyung's" Jimin's voice cracked and tears streamed down his cheeks, I stood up and slipped my boxers on before going up to Jimin and placing my hands on his shoulders "Jimin, I promise you that will never happen, I love you so much" I tried but Jimin shook his head "Don't promise something you can't keep!" Jimin yelled and pushed me away but I grabbed his hand so he wouldn't run off "Jimin, please! I don't want to lose you, I will prove to you that you're the only one I want to be with, Jungkook is just our friend now, I just appreciate him is all! Let me prove it to you" Once those words left my mouth Jimin calmed down some "Prove it? How?"

"I...I don't know yet...but I promise I will prove it to you, just don't leave me, please" Jimin could see the desperate look in my eyes is all I could think because he pulled me into a tight hug as he nuzzled into my chest while sobbing. I held Jimin just as tight and rubbed his back as tears streamed from my own eyes now. I've never cried with anybody like this, not even Jungkook, this felt nice...having somebody to cry with...was this what bonding was?

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now