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May 27, 2017

Today I was being released from the hospital, I was supposed to be on bed rest because of my broken ribs but I knew I probably won't stick to the bed. Jimin came in the room to help the nurse get me ready to go "I'll have to get you a printed paper of the medications you need to take, I'll be back" The nurse held a finger up and headed out of the room to print the paperwork, I groaned and leaned my head back on the pillow "This sucks. All I wanted was to take care of the shooter so I could marry you in peace" Jimin froze and stared at me from his place at the foot of the bed "You what?" Jimin pointed at me, a smile creeping onto his face

I realized I had spoken my thoughts out loud and quickly looked at Jimin "Nothing! I said nothing!" I quickly waved my hands in front of myself to keep Jimin from assuming what he heard was true "You did say something! You want to marry me?!" Jimin bit his lip and smiled, he was bursting with happiness, this wasn't supposed to go down this way! "Jimin, you misheard me. I said, uh...well I don't even remember what I said but it certainly wasn't that!" I tried to defend myself but Jimin broke into giggles and quickly trotted to the side of the bed and pecked my lips "I will be super happy to marry you, Yoongi!" I stared up at Jimin who was so happy and couldn't help but smile, maybe telling him this way was good, saves me the trouble of going through the emotions before proposing

"We should probably have the wedding soon, don't you think?" Jimin suddenly went all "Bride" on me and turned away from me with his fingers on his chin as he walked the room "Wha?" I watched Jimin "We can't have a wedding too soon" I gulped, nervousness creeping up on me "Why not? Oh, you're so silly Yoongi! I'm so excited to plan the wedding!" Jimin clapped and wiggled in his spot, I groaned softly and laid my head back, great...

The nurse came back in and handed Jimin the paperwork "There you go, it's his discharge papers and his medication list. Let's get you in a wheelchair and out to the car, hm?" The nurse turned to me and brought the wheelchair from the corner of the room to my side of the bed, Jimin and the nurse both helped me into the wheelchair as I had gotten dressed earlier. The nurse pushed the wheelchair with Jimin walking beside me and blabbering in my ear about the wedding, why did I have to speak out loud?


We arrived at our apartment and Jimin helped me inside and to the couch before grabbing his phone from his pocket "I gotta call Taehyung, he'll be so happy to hear the news!" Jimin started dialing Taehyung's number "Jimin!" I reached up and swiped his phone away, Jimin looked at me in surprise "What? Yoongi why aren't you excited? You're the one who said you wanted to marry me" Jimin crossed his arms and stared at me sternly

I sighed "I did say it but I didn't mean to" I looked down at Jimin's phone in my hand "You...didn't mean to? You don't want to marry me? Why would you say it if you didn't mean it?" Jimin sounded a little heartbroken but also angry I quickly looked up at him "That's not what I meant! I do want to marry you and I did plan on asking but not this soon, I didn't properly plan out a way to ask you and I was on heavy pain medication that it just slipped out. I wanted it to be a beautiful moment when I propose but..." I exhaled and looked down once again

Jimin stood there a moment before sitting beside me and kissing my cheek "Yoongi, I don't care how you would have asked me, I would have said yes no matter the location, time, or moment. Just because you think you asked me too soon doesn't mean you did. We don't need to have a wedding right away, I can plan this out for a long time, believe it or not, but I've always dreamed of planning my wedding" Jimin smiled happily when I looked up at him, I studied his face and realized he was being honest. I smiled softly at Jimin and leaned in to peck his lips, which Jimin didn't mind

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now