Pretty in Pink, Punk

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July 1, 2018 (14 days till due date)

I woke up next to a naked Jimin, surprisingly Jimin's sex drive has been back in action for the past 2 months, unfortunately, sex was all he wanted since his sex drive came back, I was so worn out but I could never admit that to Jimin, not to mention, since his belly is huge it makes it hard to have proper sex and he recently discovered he enjoyed riding me, which was fine, but I prefer to be on top...

I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position to try and sneak out of the bed without waking Jimin up "Mmm..." Jimin groaned in his sleep which caused me to freeze like I would be beaten if he caught me leaving the bed, luckily, Jimin didn't wake up and I managed to get out of bed and get dressed silently before leaving the bedroom, I let out a deep sigh that I didn't notice I was holding in "This was completely unexpected" I rubbed the back of my head as I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast, something Jimin also recently liked, breakfast in bed, something I get scolded for if it's not placed on his lap when he wakes up in the morning

I put together some eggs on toast and poured a glass of milk before quietly carrying the plate and glass into the bedroom and placing them on Jimin's nightstand, now was the risky part, waking Jimin up...I reached out and gently rubbed Jimin's bare shoulder which was sticking out from under the blanket "Hmm..." Jimin exhaled deeply in his sleep and attempted to roll onto his other side but ended up just laying on his back "Jimin, breakfast is ready" I whispered softly before biting my bottom lip, hopefully, Jimin will be more interested in eating than trying to have sex, I needed some time to regain my energy

Jimin finally opened his eyes, bringing a hand up and rubbing one of them as he looked at me "Breakfast?" I asked again as I pointed to the plate and glass on his nightstand, Jimin smiled sleepily and nodded before holding his hands out to me, asking for help on sitting up, which I gladly helped him sit up before passing him the plate "Eat up, but not too fast, you know that makes you bloated" I pointed out before turning to leave the bedroom "Uh, Yoongi!" Jimin called out to me, I froze in my spot before gulping lightly and turning back around to face Jimin in the bed with a small smile "Hm?" Jimin smiled more after he had taken a bite out of the eggs and toast "Thank you" I relaxed as those words left Jimin's lips "You're welcome, Baby" I smiled genuinely before turning back around and leaving the bedroom

I sat on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hand as I scrolled through my phone waiting for Jimin to finish eating, I was so focused on my phone I didn't notice there was a knock at the door "Yoongiiii" Hobi's voice, though muffled through the door, filled the room which brought me out of my trance of staring at my phone "What?" I looked around the room before hearing another knock coming from the door "Oh!" I stood up and quickly jogged to the door without spilling my coffee "Hobi?" I opened the door and noticed Hobi standing there looking like a ray of sunshine as always

"Yoongi, who's at the door?" Jimin called out from the bedroom "It's Hobi!" I called back "Can I come in? Or are you just gonna keep blocking me out" Hobi chuckled "Oh, sorry" I stepped aside to allow Hobi in the apartment "Yoongi, can you help me?" Jimin's voice caught my attention and I pushed the door closed before heading to the bedroom to see what Jimin needed "I can't get up" Jimin pouted as he reached his hands out to me for help, I chuckled and set my mug on the nightstand with Jimin's dishes from breakfast "Hang on" I held my smile as I wrapped my hands around Jimin's and gently pulled Jimin out of the bed "Guys?!" Hobi called as he was coming into the bedroom "Don't come in here you perve!" I scolded him as I used my body to try and cover Jimin's naked one

Hobi quickly froze and turned around "Sorry!" Hobi might have had his back to us but with the light from the living room shining passed him into the dark bedroom I could see his cheekbones lift as he was smiling "Why you!" I grabbed the pillow on the bed and tossed it at Hobi who squealed and ran out of the bedroom "Get dressed Jimin" I headed to the door without looking at Jimin but I heard him opening the dresser to get clothes

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now