Old Friend

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Dec 31, 2016 - Jan 6, 2017

It was the next morning and I was released from the hospital with instructions on how to keep my wound clean and doctored so it heals, Yoongi was late in picking me up so I sat outside the hospital on a bench to wait for him. Yoongi came into the parking lot driving my red dodge neon, I stood up and headed to the car as he pulled into the pickup line "Where were you?" I looked at Yoongi as I sat in the passenger seat "Sorry, I was running that security footage through an app on my phone to see if it could help identify the person who shot you" Yoongi pulled up his phone and showed me the app which was open and stuck on a loading screen "It won't load fast enough" Yoongi exhaled sadly

I sighed and took his phone, setting it down on the center console "Yoongi, I doubt that person has any connection with anything and he was probably a psychopath trying to get a random kill, I'm fine and that's all that matters" I leaned over the console and kissed Yoongi's cheek "Jimin...you don't understand if this was just a psychopath looking for a kill why did he jump the wall to get into the paintball game and why would he do it during the day?" Yoongi stared at me worriedly, I leaned back in my seat and groaned "I don't fucking know Yoongi but I know I'm not a victim like Jungkook was, get over it" Yoongi tensed but he didn't say another word as he sped off, the tires squealing as he did

-(Yoongi POV)

I stopped at Jimin's apartment and waited till Jimin got out of the car before quickly backing up and speeding off "Yoongi!!" Jimin called after me but I was done speeding over the hill, watching Jimin in the rearview mirror "Sorry Jimin, but I need to protect you and that means I need help...unfortunately" I clenched the steering wheel and deeply inhaled as I pressed the pedal down further to goose the car into going faster, I was not looking forward to this help I was going to see but I need him to be able to catch the person who tried to hurt my Jimin

I drove for an hour and a half before pulling Jimin's car onto a slab of concrete, it was where a carport used to be but the cover had rotted and fell apart, leaving a slab of concrete behind to park on. In front of the car, a little way was an old apartment building, some people would call it a slumlords place, which was in a way, it was on the edge of town but still, somewhat visible to the town and buildings around it

I got out of the car and inhaled deeply "You can do this, I need to find the shooter" I mumbled to myself as I clenched my fists and headed up to the door of the run-down apartment. I stood in front of the door for a minute as I was contemplating asking for help from this person, finally, I was able to work up the courage to knock on the old wooden door. The door opened a crack after a couple of seconds of waiting and an older man's face was in view, a face I used to know well, my fathers face

"Yoongi?" The elder males' eyes widen slightly, he obviously wasn't expecting to see me again after I had left with my mother all those years ago "I need your help" I avoided eye contact with my father. The door closed then opened again, this time wider since he unlocked the sliding chain lock on the door "With what? Drug dealers?" I looked up at my father through my bangs "I haven't been into drugs for a long time. This is about someone who shot my friend" I held up my phone, the security video playing

"Hmm...I don't recognize the man's structure or movements..." My father studied the video a couple of times before passing the phone back to me "I will look into it" My father nodded at me to assure me he would handle it "I just want a name and a location, I don't expect you or your men to do the dirty work, I want to be the one to put this guy in his grave for what he did to my Ji- friend" I cleared my throat, I can't let it slip to my father that I had a boyfriend

Blood Sweat & Tears: A Yoonmin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now