Awaited Suspect

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May 26, 2017

Jimin and I laid in bed cuddling, there had been no news from my father for 2 months and I was feeling depressed, I barely let Jimin leave the house alone or at all unless it was necessary, I know I was gonna try and not let this whole situation take over but after these 2 months I just couldn't help it

Jimin kissed at my chest through my shirt softly and lovingly "Feel like doing something today?" Jimin looked up at me hopefully but I shook my head "Sorry Jimin...I just don't feel good" I mumbled tiredly, Jimin nodded and cuddled me closer "I understand Yoongi. I love you" Jimin rubbed my chest with one of his hands "I love you too" I tightened my grip around Jimin for a moment

We laid there a little while longer before my phone rang, I was gonna let it ring but Jimin leaned over me and grabbed my phone from the nightstand "Yoongi, it's your dad" Jimin looked at me quickly after reading the caller ID, I sat up quickly and took the phone from Jimin "Hello?" I answered the phone quickly, hoping this was good news

"Yoongi, we need to speak with you immediately" My father's voice was gruff but there was a hint of something in his tone that I couldn't make out, but my gut told me it was something I would like

"Did you find the shooter?" I asked nervously as I looked at Jimin who held my other hand tightly

"Just get here fast"

The call ended and I lowered the phone from my ear "Well?" Jimin bit his lip nervously "He wants me to go to the crappy apartments to meet with him, he didn't tell me anything yet" I stood up from the bed and started getting dressed "I wanna come too" Jimin stood up off the bed as well and looked at me with puppy eyes, asking permission to go "I...I don't think you should...not because of the information he might have but because I don't want my father to know about you...I've told you before" I looked down to avoid the puppy eyes Jimin wielded 

"Well...what am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Jimin pouted lightly, I thought about it "I'll take you Nam's Cafe and you can wait there for me" Jimin sighed then nodded "Ok, just be careful ok? And don't do anything stupid" Jimin pointed at me accusingly "I won't"


I pulled up at Nam's Cafe, Jimin opened the car door to get out but before he did he leaned over the center console and kissed me deeply, I was a little shocked at the kiss but returned it "Remember, nothing stupid. I want you to come back for me as soon as you get the information" Jimin said after breaking the kiss, I nodded "I will, I promise" Jimin nodded and got out of the car, waving as I drove off


I pulled up outside the crappy apartment building and got out of Jimin's car, I inhaled deeply to prepare myself for the news before walking up to the door and knocking, there was a moment of complete silence both outside and inside the building before a heard footsteps shuffling towards the door

The door opened and my father stood there with a yellow envelope in his hand. He looked up at me "Inside this envelope is the man we believe shot your friend. Come in" My father let go of the door and headed back to the couch he was sitting on before I showed up

I quickly followed my father inside, shutting the door behind me "Who is it?" I stood in front of my father on the couch, my eyes not leaving the envelope in his hand. My father exhaled and tossed the yellow envelope on the coffee table between us "Jackson Wang. He fits the description of the man in the security footage and he's been dabbling in transforming game weapons into real weapons. Not to mention..." My father paused as he leaned over and rests his elbows on his knees while keeping eye contact with me "He's part of a gang but we haven't located the gangs' whereabouts or even the name of it, it's very private" My father seemed a little pissed about not knowing about this gang when he was the top Mafia gang in Seoul

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