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broken glass littered the living room floor. shouts echoed through the entire house as the couple argued. insults and objects were being thrown across the room. blood, sweat, and tears were shed. hearts were shattered.

"you cheated on me!!" jihoon shouted back for what seemed like the hundredth time now. he sounded like a broken record. repeating the same line over, and over, and over. but the message never got through.

"and so what?! it's not my fault that you're almost never at home and just downright the worst boyfriend ever!!" the man shouted back as he violently shoved jihoon against the wall.

this wasn't the first time this happened. jihoon has forgiven him over and over again. he'd cry during the nights over and over again. he'd be hurt over and over again. by the same lies, and the same hands.

"i don't want to hear your stupid excuses anymore yeongjin!! i'm tired of this!! i'm tired of y-" before jihoon could finish he was met with the living room floor and his angered boyfriend hovering above him.

"THAT'S IT JIHOON!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" he began to throw punches and kicks. hitting jihoon in the face, chest, and stomach. jihoon began to kick and scream as he helplessly tried to block every fist and foot coming his way. hot tears streamed down his face uncontrollably as he used all of his might to push yeongjin off.

but he wouldn't stop.

jihoon gave one last push kick into his stomach and backed up. he couldn't see anything through his heavy tears but he sprawled his hands out to grab onto anything. anything that would help him. he grabbed picture frames, cups, pillows, plates, anything that was lying around. he threw them in hopes that they would make his boyfriend stop. but he only continued to come closer. angrier than ever.

yeongjin reached out and lunged towards jihoon. in panicked fear and anger, jihoon pushed himself off the floor and ran into the kitchen. yeongjin ran after him. he started knocking chairs over and everything off of the table. glass shattered everywhere. the sounds of objects being knocked to the ground and jihoon's cries disturbed what would normally be a quiet night. all jihoon could hear though, was his racing heartbeat.

yeongjin came closer. with every step jihoon's panic only built up. all the emotions piled up at once. the hate, the anger, the fear. he reached out his hand and grabbed a hold of something.

a painful ringing in his ears. choked sobbing. a scream.

he had grabbed a knife,

and was now holding it up to his boyfriend's face. he looked up at him and directly into his eyes, with tears streaming down his face but a bitter look in his eyes. through shaky breaths, he spoke up.

"don't.. ever.. touch me again.."

the next sound that echoed through that night, were sirens.

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