❥ 8

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jihoon woke up with the sunlight shining in his eyes. he let out a small groan as he slowly sat up in his spot. he had a blanket draped over his body and a small pillow where his head was laying. balling his hands into fists, he vigorously rubs his eyes to try and get rid of the sleepy feeling and the stinging sensation he got from the light.

"good morning, sleepyhead," he heard a voice pipe up. right.. he was in soonyoung's dorm and had to stay the night due to his own mistake and curfew. he still had no idea how he managed to grab the wrong keys that afternoon, but he had that mistake to thank for allowing him to make a new friend.

jihoon stretched his arms up and out before gently tossing the blanket off and standing up. "good morning.." he yawned, running a hand through his hair.

"how'd you sleep? i hope you didn't forget we have classes today. it'll be your first day here!" soonyoung chimed, as he walked out of the kitchen area. he was already fully dressed, wearing a simple white t-shirt along with a black and brown coloured cardigan and jeans. his jet-black hair in tiny curls.

the youngest of the two groaned as he sat back down on the couch, leaning back and grabbing a throw pillow to hold in his arms. "i hate to admit it but i completely forgot," he blurted out. "what am i gonna do? i have to get ready and my dorm room's still locked."

"you can start getting ready here. we can go find someone to help unlock your room before classes start, we still have plenty of time, don't worry!" soonyoung smiled, lightly waving it off.

"can i use your bathroom again?"

"you don't have to ask, jihoon," the older laughed.

"are you sure?"

"i'm sure, sure. you know what they say in french. mi casa es su casa."

"soonyoung, that's spanish."


jihoon stifled a laugh.

"it's not.. french?"

"no," jihoon laughed. "no, it's not," the latter covered his mouth with a hand as he tried to hide the dumb smile on his face. soonyoung only stood, dumbfounded, an almost shocked expression on his face.

"you're telling me i wasn't taking french classes all those four years in high school?!"

jihoon shook his head as he tried to calm his laughter, burying his face in the pillow he held. soonyoung softly laughed along, lightly rubbing the back of his neck. it was his first time hearing jihoon laugh like that. it was adorable how endearing the younger could get.

"you're such an idiot," the brunette said, jokingly rolling his eyes as he put the pillow aside and stood up from his spot on the couch. "i'm going to brush my teeth," he hummed, shuffling over to the bathroom.

the start of the day went as planned. both boys got ready for the day, minus the fact that jihoon was still wearing the older's clothes. just until he could change into his own. they walked out of soonyoung's dorm room and down the winding staircase until they reached the bottom floor.

jihoon lead the way across the campus until they arrived at his dorm. by swiping a card at the door, they're allowed in, and walk straight to the guard post, where hopefully someone can help them.

"excuse me, sir? would you happen to be able to open a locked dorm room?" soonyoung asked as he held onto the edge of the desk that the guard person was sitting behind. a glass window separating them as he watched the said man put his mug of coffee down, getting up from his chair and walking towards the door, he opened it and stepped out.

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