❥ 3

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jihoon has been laying in bed wrapped in the covers for the last two hours since he's finished unpacking. he felt safe and warm under them. they helped him calm down.

it was now 6pm. curfew wasn't until 11pm so jihoon decides to go out and buy some groceries. he is a little hungry after all and he could use some food for tomorrow as well. he gets up and unravels himself from his cocoon. he grabs a white fluffy jacket from his closest and puts it on. jihoon carefully zips it up while walking to the door to grab his dorm key from the key holder.

he shoves the keys in his pocket, along with some of the small amount of money he managed to salvage from his old house. jihoon was never able to get a job because of his strict restraints from his ex boyfriend, so he was never able make his own money. he just had to live off of whatever he had saved up beforehand and the small allowance he was given.

jihoon turns the lock on the door and walks out, closing it behind him. he walks down the stairs, out the dorm, and out onto the dark streets. the only source of lighting were the street lamps consecutively placed down the street. jihoon walks down and around the block to the nearest corner-store.

he walks in and the tiny bell chimes. he is thankful to be out of the cold and into the warm air of the cozy, compact store. jihoon grabs a basket and walks straight to the instant noodle section. he piles up a few, well more like a ton, of noodle cups in his basket and heads to the fridge to get some drinks. he grabs a few energy drinks and apple juice boxes.

jihoon gets up onto his tip-toes and just as he is about to reach for the last apple juice box from the top shelf of the fridge, another hand grabs it before him. jihoon looks up to be met with a pair of crescent shaped eyes and a toothy smile.

"sorry, did you want this? you looked like you were having a bit of trouble there." the taller male chuckles as he hands jihoon the juice box.

jihoon can feel his face burn up. partially in anger and partially in.. who knows. embarrassment? yeah, definitely. he hesitantly takes the juice box and sets it down into his basket with a pout. who was this guy to indirectly call him short?! and why was he watching him in the first place?

"instant noodles and energy drinks?" great. now he's judging food choices. "yes. and what about it?" jihoon bluntly asks. "don't you think that's a little.. i don't know.. unhealthy?"

jihoon was ready to put this man in a head lock right now. he decided against that as to not get in trouble and instead turned and walked away with a pout. and to his luck, the strange man follows him.

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