❥ 9

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soonyoung and jihoon walked side by side, out of the dorm and towards the huge university building. jihoon glanced at the people around them occasionally. no one seemed to know he was new. then again, let's be honest, no one is going to know absolutely everyone who attends their school. it was an advantage in going practically unnoticed.

"what's your first class, ji?" soonyoung asked, glancing down at the shorter boy beside him.

"it's— hold on, what did you just call me?"

"uh.. ji? oh— sorry!" the older quickly apologized, frantically shaking his hands. he stopped walking. so did jihoon. "i should've asked if you were okay with that, first!"

"hey! soons!" a voice suddenly called out, interrupting soonyoung's ranting. both boys turned their heads to see two others walk up to them. one wearing a smile that could outshine even the sun. he certainly looked a little too energetic for 7:30 in the morning. and the other, with tousled black hair that gave the impression of 'i stayed up late studying for the exam i have in 20 minutes and i don't want to be here'. which, i mean, relatable.

"hey seokmin! and wonwoo!" soonyoung greeted them both with hugs. a beaming smile on his face. they sparked up a conversation. one jihoon wasn't necessarily interested in.

'must be his friends'

he tried looking somewhere else. besides, what use was it watching them converse if he wasn't planning on contributing. the talk fell on deaf ears as jihoon watched people walk by them instead. some people walked in groups of friends or alongside someone. and others walked alone. there were so many people he didn't recognize. then again, he didn't know anyone.

"oh— this is my new friend, jihoon!"

"huh?" he was snapped out of his thoughts when soonyoung introduced him.

"ooh, nice to meet you, jihoon! i'm seokmin," one of the boys introduced himself, holding out a hand out. there was a long pause as jihoon only stared at it.

"uhm.. do you want— a hug? instead?" seokmin asked, letting out an awkward laugh.

"no. i mean— no, it's alright. it's, uhm.. nice to meet you too," jihoon finally answered as he looked up at the boy. the raven-haired behind him eyes him curiously.

"jihoon, this is wonwoo. wonwoo, this is jihoon!" soonyoung finally speaks up, breaking the heavy silence. he has an arm around the boy he just called 'wonwoo'. it didn't take much to know that he was also the quiet type. he only just smiled, as a friendly gesture to jihoon.

"you could've told us about your new friend sooner," seokmin said, letting out a dramatic scoff. "we just met yesterday! he's new here!" soonyoung protested. "then you had all of yesterday and this this morning to tell me!"

they bickered for a while. jihoon and wonwoo only watched.

"alright, whatever!" soonyoung groaned. "let's just get inside, okay? i want to be able to grab something at the canteen before classes start, i'm starving!"

at that very moment, all jihoon had on his find was food. after all, they had completely forgotten about breakfast.


soonyoung had pretty much shoved an entire muffin in his mouth the moment they all went by the canteen as a group. seokmin insisted he didn't need anything, saying he already had breakfast this morning. wonwoo had a strawberry yogurt, and jihoon just grabbed a juice box.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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