❥ 7

361 17 10

the two boys had been sitting on the balcony in comfortable silence. enjoying each other's company at the food soonyoung had made for them they to share. jihoon had to admit that he was having a good time. not only did he not expect to to make a friend on his first day of moving in but he didn't expect to feel so open to them on the first day.

jihoon wasn't one to open up very easily. he was used to dealing with everything on his own. he didn't have anyone to talk to about the situation at home when he was in a relationship. not like he could anyways. he was restrained from talking to anyone, other than the plaster wall in his room. he wouldn't complain about it though. a wall couldn't tell him he was stupid for continuing a relationship like that. he was interrupted from his thoughts by soonyoung, who was walking into living room after having changed into his pajamas.

"here, i have a pair of old sweatpants that you can wear. as you can probably tell.. my mom thought i hadn't grown since the last time i saw her back at home." he said as he held the pants in front of him. it was a pretty visible three or so inches too short making jihoon laugh. soonyoung shook his head, a playful grin plastered on his face.

"i also have this sweatshirt for you." the older said as he tossed the sweatpants over his shoulder and held up a gray sweatshirt covered with a pattern of tiny, silver stars.

"is this yours, soonyoung?" jihoon asked looking at the article of clothing being handed to him.

"yeah.." the boy answered looking away with a shy smile. "it's a little, tiny bit embarrassing but i really like the stars. they're pretty, don't you think?" he said with a small giggle. suddenly, his eyes lit up. "that reminds me, you should see the star shaped lights i have up in my room! come on, i'll show you!" with that, he quickly put everything down onto the coffee table and took jihoon's hand, practically dragging his small figure with him.

one they got to the open door that lead inside the room, soonyoung quickly stood in front of the doorway trying his best to block the view inside. though he didn't do the best job at that.

"soonyoung i can still see inside, you know?" jihoon said, stifling a laugh as he watches the taller's eyes widen a bit and a small pout following after.

"i wanted it to be a surprise!" he whined. it was true though. jihoon could clearly see inside from under soonyoung's outstretched arms blockading the entrance.

"i can't see all of it though, show me!" the younger says, trying to get past and get a better look.

"okay, okay! you can look now." soonyoung laughed as he finally moved out of the way and watched jihoon's entire face light up. "you don't have to just stand here, come on in!" he said as he gestured the boy to step inside. jihoon hesitantly walks in and is honestly in awe and what he sees.

soonyoung's room was far from what jihoon had imagined. but in a good way. colorful posters adorned every end of a wall. except for small spaces that held shelves, topped with a number of stuffed animals. and just as soonyoung had mentioned, he had strings of star shaped fairy lights draped over his desk and above his bed. some had a few polaroid photos hanging from them.

"it looks so cool! and cozy." jihoon said as he looked around.

"you think so?! thanks! you can sit down by the way. you don't have to just stand there!" soonyoung insisted as he tossed some of the pillows, that were scattered on his bed, aside to make room.

the younger carefully sat down on the bed, which was topped with more stuffed animals and covered with a soft penguin-print quilt. soonyoung sat at a small desk he had in the room. "sorry about the small mess.." he muttered with a small laugh as he picked up a small pile of clothes he had on the chair and tossed them into a hamper.

"i haven't had much time to clean lately. especially seeing as i didn't expect to have anyone over." he explained with a shy smile on his face.

jihoon shook his head as he looked down at his lap. "i know i didn't exactly say this earlier but, thanks again for letting me stay here. if i wasn't so stupid as to bring the wrong keys with me then i would be staying in my dorm right now but.. i guess we wouldn't have started talking, huh?" he explained, fidgeting with his fingers.

"it's no problem! you don't have to thank me. i normally don't get much company, unless it's my annoying dorm neighbour asking for help on homework." soonyoung joked as he rolled his eyes. "having someone with me, not to mention someone cute, is thanks enough."

"oh shut up-" jihoon said in disbelief as he rolled his eyes.

"i'm serious!" soonyoung exclaimed, a stupid grin on his face.

"no you're not."

"you want a bet on that?"



"i think i'll pass- what are you doing?"

"sending you my love, of course." soonyoung chimes as he raises his hands above his head, forming a heart with his arms, the brightest smile painted on his face.

"you're such a dork." jihoon snickered as he reached over for a pillow and threw it at the older's face. soonyoung only laughed and gently threw it right back.

the rest of the night was spent getting ready for bed. they both changed into comfortable clothing, (soonyoung's sweater fitting a little big on the younger but still being quite cozy), they took turns in the bathroom to brush their teeth, and are now sitting in the living room, discussing accommodations.

"i cant sleep on your bed, it's yours."

"but you can't sleep here in the living room, it gets cold. plus, you're the guest!" soonyoung insisted as he looked at jihoon with a small pout.

it was a back and forth "argument" over who would sleep where. though it looks like its turned into a staring contest— for a whole minute... before soonyoung blinks.

"I WON!" jihoon cheered to himself as he sat down on the couch and glanced over at the older who was whining out of defeat. "i get to sleep here then."

"alright, fine! but i'm sleeping with you."

"you— what?"

"i said i'm sleeping with you."


"on the other couch, of course." soonyoung added with a small, yet awkward, chuckle. he slowly turned to go down the hallway leading to his room as he tried to hide his pink-tinted cheeks. "i'll.. uh— go get some blankets! i'll be right back!"

jihoon was left dumbfounded. did he actually mean what he thought he did? he bit his lip in thought before shaking his head with a small sigh. he would've kept thinking about it, but he felt too sleepy to do that. he carefully laid down on the couch, laying his hands on his stomach as he looked up at the ceiling. jihoon hadn't even realized when he dozed off and fell asleep.

the chapters keep getting longer-

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