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"why are you following me?" jihoon asks not even sparing a glance behind him. "because i'm heading to the cash register too ya know?" the taller male answers. jihoon rolls his eyes and walks up to the register to pay for his snacks. he places the money down on the counter for the cashier, picks up the bags, and carries them in his hands as he walks out.

thankfully, the streets were quiet. jihoon feels better now that he can think to himself. but that didn't last very long, of course. jihoon felt a tap on his shoulder. he screams and retreats back from the sudden contact. he can feel his heartbeat race again.

"s-sorry! i didn't mean to startle you.." it was the stranger again. jihoon felt his whole body go weak again. he tries to take deep breaths to calm his racing heartbeat.

"hey.. are you okay?" the man asks. jihoon just waves him off and continues breathing. it takes him a few seconds but jihoon manages to calm down and looks up at the stranger. "yeah.. i'm fine" he reassures as he regains his composure. "i'm sorry about that. i didn't mean to scare you that badly." the taller male gives him a worried look before he continues. "hey, how about i walk you home? to make it up to you."

jihoon has no idea who this man is and he expects him to trust him?! the last thing he needs is to get kidnapped.

"no, no, i think i can walk home by myself" he answers. "no, it's fine, really!" the taller insists. his smile melts into an embarrassment expression as he hits realization. "oh wait fuck- i haven't introduced myself properly yet, have i?" he chuckles nervously. jihoon find his reaction cute and lets a small giggle escape. "i'm kwon soonyoung! i attend the college right around the block." the man says as he motions towards the huge school with a smile.

jihoon felt like he had no choice but to introduce himself as well. "i'm lee jihoon. i attend the same college. i just finished moving here this morning" he says.

"great! we can walk home together then!" soonyoung exclaims as he continues leading the way to the dorms. jihoon hesitantly follows behind. there is an awkward silence between them. soonyoung looks comfortable but jihoon is not. he doesn't know if he should spring up a conversation or not. he decides against it, not wanting the situation to be even more awkward. it was a quiet walk back home.

"which dorm is it?" soonyoung asks as they arrive on campus. "that one" jihoon points towards his designated dorm as he leads the way to it.

the two boys walk inside the dorm and to jihoon's dorm room. jihoon stops in front of his door and rummages through his pockets for his keys. soonyoung looks around the dorm as he patiently waits for jihoon to open the door.

"oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.." jihoon suddenly blurts out. "why? what's wrong?" soonyoung asks in worry. "i brought the wrong keys with me!" jihoon whines as he drops down onto his knees as a dramatic gesture. soonyoung takes a minute laugh at his antics. "this isn't funny! i can't get in and i have nowhere to go!" jihoon scolds and pouts.

"you can stay with me for the night, if you'd like?" soonyoung offers with a smile. "it'd be nice to have some company.. aaand of course you have somewhere to stay!"

jihoon literally has nowhere else to go so he takes up the offer. but quite honestly, he just wants to be in his dorm right now, back under his blankets, and not have to deal, or live, with this complete stranger.

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