Welcome to Utah

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I spent the next week getting ready and packing for Utah, spending as much time with my best friend as possible, and making sure my car was all ready to drive to Utah because I don't think I'll survive a few months away from it.

"I'm going to miss you so much" My best friend hugged me.

"I'm going to miss you too my love. You better come visit me"

"I will don't worry"

I got into my now packed car and blew her a kiss before I drove off on my journey to Salt Lake City.

*14 hours later*

After my 9 hour drive and 5 hours of unpacking, I just passed out in bed.


I woke up to knocking on my bedroom door.

"Hold on" I stood up and fixed my hair.

I knew it was Julia and Dara cause they were driving up together.

I opened it and gave them hugs right away.

"We were texting you all day" Dara said once we pulled apart.

"What day is it?" I asked confused.

"Monday" She responded.

"Damn I slept all of yesterday." I realized since I got here Saturday night.

"Damn girl" Dara said. "You want to use that well slept body to help us unload and unpack.

"Of course"

I slipped on my slides and walked out with them.


It only took us a few hours to unpack all their things.

"Victory pizza celebration?" I brought up.

"Hell yea" They both said at the same time.

After I ordered, I changed into leggings and a sweatshirt.

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"I invited Matt, Josh, and Frankie over so I hope you ordered a lot." Julia said as I walked out of my room.

"I'm pretty sure I ordered enough to feed 10 people so yes there's plenty."

I went back to my room to fix my messy bun and apply some vaseline on my lips.

"Alexa play Today's Hits" I heard Julia say as I walked out of my room.

"Let's get this party started" Frankie said walking into our kitchen in front of Dara.

"Woohoo" I clapped my hands before giving him a hug. "Hi neighbor"

"Hi my beautiful neighbor" He responded.

"Stop I'm blushing" I fanned my face to show I'm flattered.

We all walked into the living room and sat on the couches.

"So how was everyone's car rides?" I asked.

"Lots of throwbacks being sung" Dara answered.

Frankie agreed.

"We also talked about you..." Julia started saying hesitantly.

"Me?" I was surprised.

"You and Mr. Bassett"

"Wait why?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Um you two mysteriously showed up at Matt's together" Frankie said. "hey I'm all for it. You're cute he's cute it's a perfect match"

"He is not THAT cute" I responded, emphasizing the that because I'm a sucker for curly hair on guys. "I do not understand the hype over him"

Matt is the one who should be getting all the hype.

Before anyone could respond, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I quickly stood up trying to exit this conversation.

"This conversation is not over!" Julia and Dara yelled out at the same time.

"YES IT IS" I yelled back as I opened the door.

"Okay damn no need to yell at us" Josh said as I let them both in.

"Sorry I was making sure Dara and Julia could hear me." I said while hugging him before hugging Matt.

"Wow your place is way more set up than ours" Matt pointed out as we walked into the living room.

I took my place again in between Dara and Frankie.

"That is all thanks to this angel for coming a couple days early" Dara said as she put her arm around me.

I took that opportunity to snuggle up to her.

Everyone made small talk, mostly catching up on their drives down here.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up Josh was in front of me shaking me softly to wake me up.

"Food is here" He said.

I stuck my arms out so he'd grab my hands and pull me up.

Dara must have let me lie down.

He did and we both joined everyone else in the kitchen.

Matt, Dara, Frankie, and Julia had the seats at the island and Josh was leaned up against the counter across from them so I sat on the counter next to Josh.

"I can't believe you fell asleep again with how much you slept the past couple days." Julia said.

"Hush Dara is very comfortable it's not my fault."

That caused everyone to laugh.

We made more small talk while we ate.

Frankie and I were done first so we set up my phone and started making Tik Toks"

"This one is pretty easy" I pointed out to the Camila Cabello one.

We quickly learned it but filming it was not as quick since Matt and Josh kept coming behind us and messing us up. Okay so like they weren't physically messing us up but we kept laughing at their dance moves.

It made for a few funny drafts to post later.

After we made a couple different ones, we all moved to the living room to watch Finding Nemo and Finding Dory.

Once we finished, we said our goodbyes to the guys and called it a night. 


It's short and boring I know

Kinda just a filler.....

But please enjoy and don't forget to leave feedback or ideas and  pretty please vote :)

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