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Waking up this morning was a struggle. After what almost happened last night, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower before brushing my teeth and getting dressed into leggings, a cropped white tank top and a red cardigan.

I did light make up before letting my hair dry naturally.

I quickly packed all my things before heading to Josh's room.

We were meeting his manager there before we all head to the airport.

I made it there before his manager so I sat on his bed while he finished packing.

When he finished, he joined me on the bed watching me lose at the game I was playing on my phone.

"You suck" He said, pointing out the obvious.

"Shut up" I pushed him lightly.

I locked my phone giving up.

"Chloe" He turned to face me.

"Josh" I copied, facing him.

"This may be our last chance to really be alone and I don't think I can go back to Utah without doing this" he placed his hand on my cheek, leaning in and kissing me.

It took me a second but I kissed back moving my hands to his hair.

I knew he was right, whenever we hung out it was with our group of friends or on lunch.

We stopped after a few seconds when there was a knock on the door.

He walked to the door and opened it, knowing it was his manager.

"Sorry I'm a little late" She said. "Are you two ready?"

We both said yes, grabbing our bags, not talking about what just happened.

Josh and I spent the cab ride and half of the plane ride going over the script for this week before watching the Office until we landed.

Since Josh drove us to the airport, he had to drop me off at my apartment.

"Thanks for dropping me off" I said as we pulled up.

"Of course. Do you need help carrying your stuff up?"

"No I think I can handle it."

I looked over at him after taking my seatbelt off, ready to say goodbye.

Do I kiss him?

Does he even want to kiss me or are we leaving this in New York?

"Can I kiss you one last time?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"I'd be sad if you didn't" He smiled, leaning in.

We made out for a few minutes until he accidentally elbowed his steering wheel, causing the horn to honk.

I jumped back, taken by surprised.

When we realized what he did, we both bursted out laughing. I even had tears in my eyes because of how funny that was.

"Holy shit" I finally said when we calmed down.

"My bad"

"I guess I should head up now"

"Okay. See you tomorrow on set?"

"Yea I'll see you on set."

I grabbed my shit and went up to the apartment.

"CHLOE" Dara and Julia ran up to me from the couch, giving me hugs.

"I missed my girlies"

"How was it? Tell us everything" Dara pulled me over to the couch.
"It was pretty fun" I responded. "The Today Show was frightening but the TRL interview wasn't too bad"

"Well don't worry you couldn't tell that you were nervous"

"Thank you"

"Now the real question is, what went down between you and Josh while you were alone?"Julia asked.

I knew they were going to bring that up but I didn't think they would this fast.

"Absolutely nothing because we're just friends" I lied to them.

I don't want to mention anything until I know what's going to happen between Josh and I, if something happens between us.

"Are you lying to us? How did you two not take the chance to make the moves?" Dara asked.

"Because we were focused on work and if we weren't focused on work, we were focused on enjoying New York" I made up. "Now I'm going to go unpack and go to bed"

I stood up and brought my stuff to my room.

I plugged my phone in first since it was on 10% and texted Josh.

Chloe: Hey did you make it home?

He responded back right away.

Josh: I was just about to text you

Josh: I did make it home

Josh:Thanks mom for worrying!

I chuckled out loud.

Chloe: Last time I checked you don't make out with your mom...

I put all the clothes from this weekend in my hamper and my make up, skin care, and hair stuff back in my bathroom.

I checked my phone again, seeing Josh texted back.

Josh: Speaking of making out...

Josh: Are we saying anything to anyone?

Chloe: I want to keep this between us until we see where this goes]

Chloe: If that's okay with you?

He responded almost instantly.

Josh: Okay good. I was thinking the same thing

I decided to leave it at that and just go to bed. 


Here's a short one for y'all 

Please enjoy, vote, and comment :)

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