Chapter One

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 "Argh! People! They all have a false sense of importance these days." 

Tess Barker glanced up from her latest client to see her boss and friend, world-renowned hair designer to the stars, Gracie Gene or GG to her friends, scribbling away at the booking sheet, scratching her head and mumbling under her breath. Tess had no idea what was going on but she knew enough to tell GG was stressing about overbooking as usual. 

"If you weren't so stubborn and would agree to get a personal assistant or at the very least go digital instead of using that old dinosaur of a book, we could alleviate a lot of stress you know," Tess said with a sigh.

She'd been working at the salon for the last five months and not a day went by that she didn't thank her guardian angel for throwing her in the path of the great GG.


When they'd first met she'd been unemployed, alone, and newly pregnant with rapidly depleting savings, Tess's future appeared less than pleasant. She'd scoured the streets trying to find a job but no one was interested in hiring a pregnant, pink-haired woman in a tutu. 

Standing in the elevator, fresh from being rejected at yet another hotel, Tess recognized GG immediately as the glamorous woman breezed into the elevator and double hit the ground floor button. 

Tess straightened her spine and smoothed her hair. She was addicted to GG's guest spot on Fashion Cops, her favorite television show. Tess tried to act cool, really, she did, but she was alone in an enclosed space with the great GG. 

Squeezing her eyes shut tight, she begged the fashion gods to create a fault with the elevator. Just let it get stuck for an hour or so. Nothing drastic like plummeting to their deaths or running out of oxygen. Just a nice glitch to give her a chance to get GG's autograph. 

When Tess opened her eyes, GG was staring at her with a furrowed brow. 

"Are you alright sweetness?" GG asked.

Tess placed her hand over her heart. GG the magnificent had spoken to her, her life was complete, she swayed as a sudden dizzy spell hit her. GG rushed forward and grabbed her just as she began to swoop. 

When the elevator dinged and the doors flew open Tess was vaguely aware of GG screaming for the concierge to help. Before she knew it, she was propped up on a sofa with worried GG inches from her face, tucking cushions around her to ensure she didn't topple over again. A man in a suit delivered a cold glass of water and was promptly waved away by Tess who whose cheeks burned with embarrassment as she cursed the fashion gods for taking her too literally. 

She'd prayed for a slight glitch, not a full-blown fangirl incident. 

GG lounged next to Tess and talked. Tess sat like a sack of blinking potatoes, not able to fathom why this goddess seemed interested in her. Realistically it was more about GG wanting to ensure she was alright and wouldn't keel over, than a deep-seated interest in her as a person. Especially in her borderline catatonic state, she wouldn't be winning a Miss personality pageant any time soon. 

Regardless, there was something about GG that had Tess lowering her walls instantly and wanting to confide in her. It'd been a tough few months and it was nice to have someone to talk to. 

"So, what are you doing in this hotel, when you should be somewhere with your feet up?" GG asked. 

Tess screwed up her face. "I'm job hunting."

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