Chapter Twenty-Six

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Cole breezed into the dining room and snatched the folded newspaper from his father's hand.

"What's going wrong with the world today?" He winked at his father. "Nice to see you back dad."

Cole caught the look between his parents as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Well it's nice to see you looking so chipper Cole. I approve of the suit, is it a Tom Ford?" His father glanced over the top of his glasses.

"Versace." He smoothed the lapel of the jacket. "A little formal for the office but I have a date tonight and won't be coming back to the ranch."

His mother put down her butter knife. "Really? With who?"

"I'm taking Tess's friend GG back to the city, dropping into the office for a bit and then I shall be spending the evening with Marigold." He flicked the paper open and held it in front of his face. Let them stew on that for a second. He pretended not to notice both his parents staring at him.

"Is Tess alright with that dear?" His mother asked, her voice hesitant.

"You were right about her mother. A total crack pot. There's no way a relationship can continue with her the way she is. It's time to move onward and upward." He folded the paper back up and placed it next to his plate.

"Well done son, Marigold's a lovely girl and much more appropriate for this family." His father slapped him on the back.

"I couldn't agree more." Cole said and it was true. She was perfectly preened just like everyone else he'd ever known.

"So you've given up on Tess?" His mother looked at her shoes and if he didn't know better, he'd think she was devastated.

"I think it's best don't you?" Cole asked her.

"I agree yes, it's so unfortunate and I wish it could be different but she's very ill dear. What about Freddy?" She asked.

"I'm going to keep Tess living here with Freddy for now but I've made a decision. One more outburst, and I'll file for custody and send her packing. Freddy's welfare needs to come first." Cole said.

His father sat in his chair, smiling and nodding like a damned clown. "That's my boy. Thinking with his head again."

"It's a terrible situation but I can't see another way out of it. I think you're doing the right thing." His mother pushed the pancakes towards him. He took one and ate it as quickly as possible despite it sticking in his throat.

"Well, I'm out!" Cole grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and got up from the table. "See you all in a couple of days and mother, Tess and Freddy will be at the guest house alone, can I tell her to call you if she needs anything?"

His mother stood and hugged him goodbye. "Certainly, she can, for anything at all."

"Thanks, gotta go." He took off out of the house and across the grounds to the guest house.

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