Chapter Fourteen

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Tess couldn't believe Cole had left here not an hour ago and had already slipped into bed with someone else. She'd been right about him.

"I'll be there in a minute," Cole said.

There it was again, a giggle, followed by a woman saying something. Tess strained to hear but Cole cleared his throat, effectively blocking the background noise.

"I said forget it." She said louder, her fear momentarily forgotten, and in its absence, was replaced with anger. She'd no idea why her temperature was rising, she had no right to Cole but all the logic in the world didn't stop her from hating him at that moment. "I'd hate to interrupt you and God knows who, doing God knows what." She practically screamed down the phone.

"What are you talking about?" Cole grumbled.

"I heard a girl Cole. I guess that answers a lot of questions." She was ranting and couldn't stop herself, GG referred to it as her going on a rantage. She had no right but it bubbled inside her like a jealous witch's brew, spilling out over the cauldron.

Cole sniffed out a laugh. "Tess, it was Tina Fey."

"Tina Fey? You know Tina Fey?" She didn't know if she should be angry he was throwing his conquests name's around or if she should pat him on the back and beg him to get her autograph for her when they were done.

He didn't hold back his laughter this time. "No, I'm watching Baby Mama. Do you know the movie? I'm watching it for research purposes. I want to know what to expect as your baby daddy."

Her skin burned with embarrassment. She was thankful he wasn't there to see her sink into the floor.

"Oh, yeah... I know. I was joking. Haha." She forced out a fake laugh.

"It's not something I'm proud of and I know it's just a movie but I've read all the parenting books and they're full of good, practical advice but sometimes, you have to admit, our relationship is anything but normal, run of the mill, practical. I just thought it might help, that's all."

"You've read all the parenting books?" She smiled to herself. 

"Of course. Haven't you?" 

"Uh... yes. Obviously." She lied and crossed her fingers to prevent being struck down by celestial forces.

"So, you want me to come over and check out the noises? I can bring the movie with me if you like."

"No... no... I'm alright." The thought of having to face Cole after her mini outburst horrified her. She needed to have a good eight hours sleep to convince herself it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

"Tess, if you're worried, I'd rather come and check it out. I'll tell you what. I'll walk the boundary. If it's all clear, I'll come back to my own bed."

He took her silence as a yes.

"Goodnight, Tess." He said and promptly hung up the phone.

A few moments later Tess saw a flashlight pass by the window. Straightening her back she prayed it was only Cole out there when her phone beeped next to her.

'It's just me. It looks all clear out here. Try to relax and get some rest. Goodnight. X'

A kiss? Cole marked it with a kiss. What could that mean? She doubted he would be the type to just throw text kisses around, Willy, Nilly.

Suddenly the world didn't seem so dark. Her heart fluttered around her ears and warmed her. Leaning back in her bed, she wiggled until her pillows were light and fluffy and she sunk into a comfortable spot. The feathers enveloping her in their warmth.

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