Chapter Twenty-three

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The next week passed in a blur of dirty diapers and laundry. Although Tess was feeling weary from lack of sleep she was overjoyed that she'd had no episodes of late. Cole and she had been spending lots of time together and a glimmer of hope fluttered in her chest whenever he was around.

Cole was leaving for his office in the city the next day. It wasn't something she was looking forward to but it was only for two days. She'd miss him in the bed next to her at night, it was a shock how quickly they'd fallen back in love and into a routine. Between looking after Freddy and taking turns sleeping, they'd spent their free time in bed together and picnicking by the lake. It felt like before, only better because now they had Freddy.

Cole hadn't told his parents about their rekindled romance just yet. He wanted to, he was excited to plan their wedding. Tess had been the one that wanted him to wait. She knew he didn't understand why but she needed his family to know she was okay first. She felt obligated to prove she wasn't some head case that got pregnant on purpose so she could steal the family money. Cole's father hadn't even bothered to meet Freddy yet so she assumed he didn't approve of Freddy. Maybe Freddy was guilty by association in Cole's father's eyes. So much for the baby meaning so much to him and his heritage. Tess had been to dinner most nights, but he'd been a no show. So the time just didn't feel right for her to make an announcement about their future plans.

Besides, sneaking around together was part of the fun. It was all very exciting, sneaking kisses and holding hands under the dinner table. It reminded her of when she was the maid, no one knew about their secret relationship back then either. His mother used to invite Marigold over all the time, flaunting her under Coles' nose, hoping he would suddenly realize how gorgeous she was and that he must have her. She'd never seen this first hand of course but Cole would tell her all about it and they would laugh at his mother's attempts while they lay in bed at night. This time, there was no issue of Marigold although Tess wondered if Mrs. Washington would still rather Marigold and Cole end up together. Tess shook the thought from her head. Mrs. Washington had been nothing but lovely to her since the very first day she'd met her.

Tess looked in on Freddy who was sleeping soundly in his room. Cole would be here soon to spend the day with them. They were thinking of going for a drive to see the sights. She hadn't really done much since she got here, other than having a baby of course.

She crept back out of Freddy's room and into the shower. She left the door of the bathroom open a touch, should the baby cry, she wanted to ensure she'd hear him. Twisting the faucet taps, she waited until the room was filled with steam before she stepped into the stream of water. The pain in her back eased as the hot water stung her skin. Lathering the soap into her skin, she massaged her neck as she went. She wasn't as fit as she'd been before the baby and found simple things took more energy and effort while she was recovering. Resting her head on the glass she relaxed as the water ran over her shoulders, down her back and then splashed at her feet.

It was so relaxing. She stood like that with her eyes shut, enjoying five minutes to herself. When she heard Cole calling out.

"I'll be out in a second." She called back.

Patting dry her body, she dipped her head, flicking water across the bathroom. Rolling her hair into a towel turban she tucked it into the back. She stepped into some clean underwear and pulled on her robe. Strolling casually out into the bedroom, she saw Cole standing at the door, a grin plastered from ear to ear. Until he got a good look at her, then his smile dropped.

"Where's Freddy?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Shh... He's still asleep. I wanted to grab a quick shower before you got here." She tipped her head over and rubbed at her hair with the towel.

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