Chapter Five

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Tess flipped through the channels on the state of the art, flat-screen, television. She'd curled up on the sofa with a blanket over her legs and her spare hand wrapped around a warm mug of hot chocolate. It was funny how she'd longed to have the demands of her job behind her so she could enjoy her pregnancy, yet here she was, night one and already she was bored and at a loss for something to do.

There weren't even any good shows on the television to distract herself, just cooking programs and sitcom re-runs. She pressed the guide button and took a sip of her hot chocolate, letting the warmth travel down her throat to the baby in her tummy. There you go little man; chocolate makes everything better. Fashion Cops would be on later, so she left it on that channel and placed the remote back on the coffee table. Suspecting she'd fall asleep before then, but really hoping she wouldn't, she covered her legs with a checkered throw rug. She missed GG already and couldn't wait to call her in the morning. But until then, seeing her friend talk quirky fashion with a panel of other fashion-loving celebrities, would have to do.

The credits began to roll on Happy Days when there was a tapping at the front door. Placing her hot chocolate on the coffee table she padded across the wooden floors, down the hall to the front door. Pulling her robe tightly around herself, she opened the wooden door an inch and peered out. A maid stood holding a basket covered with a checkered cloth.

"Can I help you?" Tess asked. It still felt strange acting like she had any right to keep someone out when it wasn't her home.

The maid thrust the basket towards Tess. "Chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the chef."

Tess took the basket and peeked in under the cloth, "My God they're still warm," she said.

The maid looked over her shoulder to ensure they were alone. "I know and they're really gooey in the middle. Totally to die for. The chef cooks us some occasionally," she smiled at Tess.

"Chef Louis makes great cookies," Tess added, remembering the treats he'd make for the staff when she worked there.

The maid shook her head. "Oh no, Louis left about two weeks after I started here five months ago. But the new chef, Alexandre, is a fantastic cook too. And cookies are his specialty."

Tess reached in and pulled one out from the basket and handed it to the maid. "Well if they are that good, they must be worth sharing."

"No, no, I couldn't." She waved her hand at Tess.

"Yes, you can, Cole Washington told me the staff here are at my disposal."

"Oh, we are ma'am." The maid looked at her toes.

"Well, I really need you to eat one of these cookies." She raised an eyebrow and held back a giggle.

"Well... if that's what you need." The maid said, taking the warm treat and biting into it.

"What's your name?" Tess asked.

"Marnie, miss."

"Well Marnie, it was nice to meet you, here take a couple for the walk back." She held out the basket and Marnie took two more cookies and smiled like she'd just committed grand larceny. "Thanks again for the cookies. Enjoy your night."

They exchanged a smile. "Same to you Miss Tess."

Tess shut the door and slid the lock. Just what she needed to keep her awake during Fashion Cops. Cookies and hot chocolate. Realizing the hot chocolate would likely be cold chocolate by now, she made her way into the kitchen and tipped some milk into a saucepan and clicked at the gas stove until a flame appeared. She placed the saucepan on it and shuffled back to the living room to retrieve her mug. Waddling around the end of the sofa, she reached for her mug only to see that it wasn't there. How strange. She glanced down at the floor, she hadn't put it there either. The television hutch still only housed the TV and not the mysterious, disappearing coffee mug.

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