Chapter 2 ~ Edited

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Amber's POV:

" Good morning Amber. " Lilly's mum says to me through the mirror thingy, with the widest smile on her face.

After returning the greeting I turn to my best friend since nursery, practically my sister, and we do the handshake we made up in year 1.

"Omggg I have so much to tell you" she squeals at me, whilst squeezing my hands out of excitement. Yup, she's definitely found a new guy.

"Spilllll" I squeal back at her. What? I really can't help it. One thing we have in common is we're leeches for gossip. I guess you could say that's my toxic trait, I cringe inwardly at that. Wow, I sounded like one of them tweets you see from twitter on Instagram.

"So yesterday I was just minding my own business when a certain someone-"

"Liam." I deadpan.

"Shhhh hoe" she says pressing a finger over her lips. "My mums in the car remember"

I roll my eyes and smile. "Your mum probably already knows anyway" I chuckle at her and just then her mum looks at us through the mirror and says, " I know about Liam honey, I've known for a long time. He rang me yesterday to ask for permission to take you out."

My jaw drops to the floor and I slowly turn back to her. He did not just ask her out. She's been drooling over him since year 8. I'm so happy for her, finally getting the guy of her dreams.

"Thanks a lot mum you've stolen my reaction off her and you ruined the surprise."

"It's okay Lilly look you got the reaction of her anyway" she chuckles probably still looking at my stunned face. "Now both of you hop out. We're here and you're both going to be late."

"It's okay now Amber, close your mouth." Lilly says to me laughing whilst we walk to the big green gates our school is behind.

"Oh yeh Lills how did he even ask you out? If it was something shit I'm going to be so disappointed in him." I sigh.

Sometimes I don't think Lilly really understands how much I care for her and how much I would do for her. She could annoy me to the worlds end but I'd still give my life for her, soulmates don't have to be in relationships they can be in friendships too and I do believe Lilly is my soulmate.

What annoys me is that she doesn't see her worth either, she needs to understand that she is not a toy that every guy can use and then throw away.

Because I've also known Liam since we were in nappies I know the kind of person he is and I hope he will treat her like she deserves.

"Helllooo Bee are you even listening to me?" She says, waving a hand in front of my face as we near the school entrance.

"Yeh sorry what did u say again and a summary please I don't want to be waiting out here all day thanks, and did you just call me Bee again ?"

"Yeh, it's cute why not?"

" I told you because my grandad calls me that and it's just weird if anyone else says it." I say, scrunching my nose and letting out a laugh . "Anyway, continue."

"Okay so in a nutshell, I was saying that he's the best boyfriend ever. Basically he took me on a date to the cliffs and we sat at the top of them and watched the sunset whilst sat on a blanket having a cute picnic and talking till I fell asleep and woke up at home in my own bed." Then she releases a long breath and her face slowly returns back to its original colour.

I can't help but laugh at her " I said summarise it I didn't say nearly faint from lack of oxygen but that's so nice of him. Wasn't he going out with Allana though ? "

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