Amber's POV:"Okay at least show us the suspects you've written down. " Ebony says, nodding her head in the direction of the paper.
"Just give me a minute." With her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, she furiously scribbles down another name. "And here."
She slides the paper over to Ebs and I, then proceeds to take a big spoon out of her cheesecake. Damn that cheesecake looks good, no other place can beat Roadside's food and that's on 'best diner of the year award.'
We both take a good look at her list and inspect it. I think it would be safe to say that we're both very confused on how some of these are possible, but then again, never judge a book by its cover. Ted Bundy didn't look like a serial killer. The Royal family don't look like murderers but Princess Diana isn't alive anymore.
Okay, so I know this isn't exactly murder but quite close to it.
Ebony seems the most confused by it, but then that's just her. She was born with two moods, anger and confusion. At this moment in time the confusion is just seeping through every nook and cranny in her face. "So you've written, Luke, Billie, James, Tyler and Jon. That definitely makes sense." She says, obviously sarcastically.
" It does actually, they're all very likely suspects."
I just have to intervene. "How though ? Luke and Billie, the twins are not even in the same year as us and we barely see them."
"Plus, they would never do something like this, I mean come on Amber, it's not exactly like they have great experience with women."
"Which is exactly why they would be good suspects." Allana tried to reason.
Ebony silently laughs to herself and I just know she's thinking about the time they tried to ask out a girl.
Meaning, they both asked out the same girl by accident and when she found out, she wrote CHEATERS in red spray paint all over their new Audi R8. I mean, poor her, I don't wanna know how confusing it would have been.
" Okay fine, you've won me over but I'm still not completely crossing their names out." She eventually says in between mouthfuls. "Moving on, what about James? He could have done it, in my opinion. He's a J. You know what they're like." She shudders, as if remembering something really bad.
"Seriously, come on, you don't have to believe everything you see on TikTok. Some J's are good."
"Oiiii, don't diss TikTok like that." She says, genuinely looking offended.
"Okay but we're not crossing him out unless we get an alibi from him and we can do that at lunchtime tomorrow." I look over my shoulder to see Ebony staring aimlessly at the rainbow tears. "Ebony, come on you need to eat something." I say, trying to get some food in get belly. Once Allana starts talking about TikTok she doesn't stop. "At least have a slice of cake. You love cake. Or an ice cream. I'm paying." I say the last part in a sing song manner to get her to comply with me.
"Okay fine, an ice cream cone please. But I'm paying you back." She says so sternly that if she wasn't speaking to me, who she's known since we were in nappies, then I would definitely need a nappy.
"Not happening." I say with a straight face, to show her I'm being serious. Then I quickly get up to avoid having to argue.
So, I walk over to the counter and place the order. Whilst I'm waiting for her strawberry ice cream and chocolate sprinkles to be made, out of the corner of my eye I see Rochelle. Now, you may be wondering who Rochelle is and to be honest you're better off of knowing but I'll tell you anyway.
Who did it ?
Kısa HikayeSomething's wrong, I can just feel it. "Are you okay ?" Ebony says instead, concern etched in her voice. "Yeah of course I'm fine. " She replies whilst lifting her hand to place it on Ebony's shoulder almost trying to reassure her, but it clearly do...