Chapter 11

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Today is Harry's birthday. I sent him a little something since I didn't get him anything for Christmas.

I don't like calling him, because I don't know if he's busy. With me however, I'm never doing anything, so he can call me anytime of the day.

None the less, it's his birthday, so I Facetime him.

He answers on the second ring.

Harry: Hey!

Evelyn: Hey, Happy Birthday!

Harry: Thank you, Eve.

Evelyn: You're welcome. Did you get your gift?

Harry: I did. Can I open it now?

Evelyn: Yeah, go ahead.

Harry: Yay!

I giggle as he reaches to grab the box.

He rips the box open and looks through the things inside.

He pulls out the ring I gave him.

It's a simple ring, with a emerald diamond in the middle. It has a H+E engraved on the inside.

Harry: This is really nice, Evelyn. Thanks you.

Evelyn: You're welcome. Open the rest.

Harry: Alright, chill out.

I playfully roll my eyes as he pulls out the next item.

He stares at the picture for a while before smiling and saying, "I love it thank you so much, Eve. This means a lot to me."

"You're welcome."

It took me almost a full month to draw that. It's a picture of him and I together, smiling and holding hands.

"We don't have any real pictures together, because we've never been together. I love to sketch, so I figured it would be a good meaningful gift." I explain.

He just stares at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

I bite my lip. "What?"

"I can't wait till we're together, so I can kiss you." He says bluntly.

I blush vigorously.

He bursts out laughing.

"You're so red."

"Stop." I whine, hiding my face.

"Don't cover you're face. I think it's cute that I have that effect on you." He smirks.


3 months later...

Today is the day that Harry and I get to be together!! I'm so excited!!

He had a morning flight so he texted me saying he's boarding, and he'll text me when he on the plane.

I haven't ate breakfast, but I think I'm gonna eat with Harry and the rest of his bandmates when they get here.

I've been sitting on my bed anxiously waiting for Harry's text.

Harry: Hey Evelyn. The plane just took off. I should arrive in two hours.

Evelyn: Okay. I'm so excited!

Harry: Me, too! Are you still coming to the airport?

Harry: You don't have to if you don't want to, I was just wondering.

Evelyn: I'm definitely still going.

Harry: Okay good.

Harry and I talked his whole flight.

I took a cab to the airport, because my parents are using both their cars.

Harry's flight is scheduled to land in ten minutes.

I'm pacing the floor. There are a bunch of fans and paparazzi waiting by the gate.

But they won't be exiting there. They are taking a different exit to avoid them. I'm standing where Harry said they would come out of.

People just started exiting the gate, so they should be out soon.

I spot someone with a hoodie and sunglasses on, even from here I can tell it's Louis, from my research.

I walk over to the door he came out of, starting to get nervous.

When he sees me heading in his direction he turns away hiding his face.

I almost burst out laughing at the look of disbelief on his face when I walk right past him.

I see Liam, then Niall.

Then, HARRY!!!

He frantically looks around, and I rush up to him.

I call his name and he turns to face me, with a huge smile on his face.


He drops his bag and pulls me into his arms.

He smells really good.

"I can't believe you're here." I say into his neck.

"I know, I'm so happy."


Hey, guys. Hope everyone had a wonderful winter break!

This one skipped multiple months, but the story should move a lot faster now.

What did y'all think?


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